Obama’s Iran travesty.

“Obama’s presidency is now a deformed caricature of its former self… I reach this melancholy and unattractive conclusion following Obama’s truly bizarre argument that the only alternative to his capitulation to Iran is war.
This is a statement almost clinically deranged. It combines everything that is bad in the Obama presidency: rhetorical overreach, emotional blackmail, supreme arrogance and an almost demented failure to confront reality.

Obama’s deal with Iran is the worst possible deal… The Obama agreement with Iran grants complete legitimacy to Iran’s possession of every part of the nuclear cycle, including advanced uranium enrichment… The enforcement and inspections regime is so weak — 24 days’ formal notice and advance negotiation of access for any inspection of a non-declared nuclear site — that the ability of Iran to cheat on this deal over time is spectacular…
The result of the deal is that a vastly stronger Iran will in time certainly have nuclear weapons, sophisticated air defences to protect them and long-range missiles to deliver them.
So, was the only alternative to this turning of all four cheeks submission really war?… Continued and intensified sanctions, coupled with comprehensive arms and technology embargoes, offered the best chance of seriously delaying and perhaps preventing a nuclear-armed Iran. But this would have yielded no moment of fatuous and fantastic triumph, such as Obama is awarding himself now…”

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12 Responses to Obama’s Iran travesty.

  1. mawm says:

    The alternative would have been to let the Iranians know that he was no longer going to shoot down Israeli war planes and that they would be allowed safe passage over Iraq, that he was going to share pertinent intelligence with them and that he was immediately shipping some bunker buster bombs to them.

    Further on Obama’s machiavellian, narcissistic, psychopathic personality (the dark triad) – once he has had some unworkable or immensely unpopular legislation passed he just assumes the mantle of success with it and moves on ….. publicly. Privately he must be beset with immense self doubt and lack of self worth. His minders must have great difficulty in rolling him out for speeches and news briefings but then he is protected by sycophantic reporters and hero worshipping progressive nuts …….. and by the corrupt DC political elite. Does nobody have the cajones to take him down.

  2. KG says:

    “Does nobody have the cajones to take him down.”
    We know the answer to that. In many ways he’s doing the GOP “leadership’s” work for them. How many of the creep’s laws and regulations will they repeal if they win the White House?
    The answer is none.

    • Yokel says:

      Of course not. The “script” that has operated since 1945 (maybe earlier) requires that the Left makes big advances Leftwards, and the so-called right consolidates it as a foundation for the next great leap Leftwards. The “script” has no place for anyone who is genuinely of the Right, one of the reasons for the screaming of “Neo-Nazi” and similar epithets at anyone who might turn out not to be on “script”.

  3. mara says:

    Donald Trump could bring down Obama if he wanted to but so far he has shown no real enthusiasm for doing so. Nobody has, as far as I can see, and that is very telling. If Dems get the power next year, America is doomed without a revolution. And not enough people have the capacity, will or determination to do something so dangerous. It won’t happen.

  4. KG says:

    “It won’t happen.”

    • Ronbo says:

      Never say NEVER, my fellow Crusaders!

      The historical facts are that every country – I repeat EVERY country – where communism was attempted to be imposed ignited a civil war.

      The list includes the Paris Communist insurrection of 1870…The Russian Civil War of 1918 to 1922. The Chinese Civil War of 1945 to 1949…The Vietnamese Civil War of 1954 to 1975…etc., etc. and even the Nazis had to fight a bloody civil war in streets of Germany from 1923 to 1933 to come to power.

      Like John F. Kennedy said many years ago, “When peaceful change becomes impossible, revolution becomes inevitable.”

      Yes, it is to date there has been no insurrection in America against the slow motion Communist coup in progress, but it is also true that the majority of Americans still believe that peaceful change via elections is still possible.

      This will all change one fine morning when the American People realize in mass that revolution is the only option.

      • Yokel says:

        The historical facts are that every country – I repeat EVERY country – where communism was attempted to be imposed ignited a civil war.

        The snag is Ronbo that in all bar one of the cases you list, the Communists/Socialists won regardless of having to fight a war to defend their gains. There will only be a war in Britain (or the US) after the Socialists have been propelled to power by their Islamic co-conspirators. Then the war will be three way: The Socialists will be defending their gains, the Islamists will be wanting to take their “rightful” due after being sold down the river by the Socialists, and somewhere in there the indigenous peoples will be wanting their country back.

        Are there any publications, doctrines of war or similar that address a scrap as messy as this?

        • Wombat says:

          Currently Turkey is fighting the Kurds in Turkey, Iraq and Syria, and they’re also fighting Islamic state in Iraq.

          The Kurds are fighting Turkey in Turkey and Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

          Islamic State is fighting the Kurds in Syria and Iraq, and Turkey in Iraq, and perhaps soon Syria too.

          In our instance, conservative rebels would be like the Kurds, Turkey would be like the progressive globalists, and Islamic State would be… well… like Islamic State.

  5. Ronbo says:

    …and speaking of Trump – many Patriots are thinking that The Donald has the makings of the final step in our counter-revolution, which is a leader to gather around.

    Indeed!…and the ham fisted attempts of the Republican Establishment to destroy Trump – as was seen most recently in the Fox News debate – has served only to make him more popular.

    Trump kicks ass and takes names. Also, the man is larger than life. He is the Contra Obama.

    Yes, in ordinary times a man like Trump would gain no traction in the political arena; however, these are not normal times – These are revolutionary times – times where decades of history is put on the fast track – times where one day sees more changes than the previous decade – times like the late 18th century where insurrections break out everywhere in the West – and world CHANGES like night becomes day!

  6. Wombat says:

    Let’s not count out black swan events.

    I don’t think the globalist powerbrokers have control over solar flares. At least not yet. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_whistle3.gif

    • Ronbo says:

      Yes, Trump could be the creature of the Leftist Ruling Class sent to do a “third party run” that will hand the election of 2016 to any Democrat on the presidential ticket…

      This is possible…Trump is still on double secret probation with the Patriots, we will see ….

      • Wombat says:

        I try to keep in mind that the collapse of most major currencies is an inevitability at this point.

        Trump or no Trump, the fuse was lit long ago and the push for a global currency is an inevitability.

        If by some miracle Trump was legitimate AND made it to the Whitehouse, the powers that be would simply take every mess they’ve been hiding from the public and dump it on his doorstep.

        He would be stonewalled by Dem and Rep alike, and his tenure would be regarded as one of the worst in American history.