‘..”They’re called the civil rights organisations, they’re not called the black rights organisations,” Bland said. “The colour of his skin should not matter. White-on-white crime does not get the same impact as white-on-black crime.”
Black activists are similarly asking why more people who countered the Black Lives Matter movement by saying “All Lives Matter” have been so silent on Hammond’s death…’ Link
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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I have said it before and I will say it again….. If this were my Son I would have left a trail of death and destruction leading to the Murderer and his protectors by now. What else is to live for but your children?
Ditto…If my son of a family member were murdered, I would be coming after the murderer regardless of race, creed, religion or employment status…their ass is grass and I’m the lawn mower.
The law of the vendetta is much older than civil code.
“The law of the vendetta is much older than civil code.”
Vengeance – if just – is the duty of a father and husband. No man-mde law can alter that.
Yup,this is where -don’t get mad,get even- comes into play.
There was a case years ago where this guy murdered a young girl and was arrested, tried and FOUND NOT GUILTY by the jury because of some technical issue.
The murderer smiled, shook hands with his lawyer and started to walk out of the court and actually did get about five feet, when the girl’s mother pulled out a gun and terminated his existence with extreme prejudice.
Fast forward about a year and the woman is on trial for murder. The jury after only 15 minutes returns with the verdict. The judge looks at the verdict form and gives it to the clerk of the court to read.
The verdict? Not Guilty. The judge polls the twelve jurors, “Not guilty” is spoken 12 times. The woman walked in silence out of the courtroom with her head held high to a standing ovation…including the judge.
Jury nullification…the gummint hates that.