Open house

and boy, am I getting sick of this shit: ‘We’re introducing yet another white male broadcaster to prime time, at the expense of a strong, experienced female interviewer, says Rachel Smalley.
Because possession of a uterus is SO important when reading crap off a teleprompter.
On the other hand, we have this great story. I know that country, and it’s damn tough.

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37 Responses to Open house

  1. Jamie says:

    Hehe man’s best friend

    Here’s a little light reading for ya KG

    I 100% guarantee you it will put a smile on your dial or your money back

  2. KG says:

    Barbaric assholes:
    Shocking footage shows a giant whale shark being sawed into pieces and sold at a Chinese market while STILL ALIVE

    • Darin says:

      This is a massive problem here in the GOM.The Chinese and Japanese commercial fleets operate just outside US territorial waters and they take EVERYTHING.There is no such thing as bycatch on these boats,there have been many videos taken by sport fishermen of commercial trawlers catching Sharks and Rays by the dozens,their fins hacked off and thrown back over the side alive.Doesn’t matter what species either,Bulls,Reefers,Hammerheads they take them all.
      Nothing,absolutely nothing is done about it either,but if you or I are out for an afternoon fishing trip and we happen to have a Speckled Trout or Redfish that is a 1/8″ shorter than the scale we get fined or our boat is seized. :evil:

    • mawm says:

      And they wonder why millions download music from “illegal” peer-to-peer file sharing sites like Limewire.

      • KG says:

        8O Limewire is still going?? I played with that fifteen years ago!
        The music and movie industries are simply greedy bastards. I have no objection to people getting a fair return on their work, but those industries have lobbied and bribed politicians to pass oppressive laws with wildly disproportionate penalties and conditions on use.
        I support piracy wherever possible now.

  3. Darin says:

    Skateboard riding cat-

    Elephants meet Gopro-

  4. mawm says:

    “Sabotaged from within.” – eighty eight year old Admiral James “Ace” Lyons (and not a teleprompter within sight).

  5. Yokel says:

    “Too much jollity in your house KG, must do something about that”, he said in his best Colonel Blimp voice. “Try this bit of serious reading for a change”:

    • KG says:

      ” How is it also possible that these same senior officers have taken the British ‘bobby’ from unarmed with public respect, to paramilitary, black uniformed and heavily armed, with corresponding public concern and fear?”
      It’s possible because that is the endpoint our political masters all over the West have been aiming for.
      The concept of policing independent of politics is now a laughable relic. :evil:

  6. john says:

    “Mary Wilson taken off air”. What? air as in life support?

    • Cadwallader says:

      I see the stupidity of Smalley’s inane drivel is being bounced around currently, while the NZ Law Society plunges into the same dross. This week a press statement from the Society lauded the prospect that for the first time the NZ Court of Appeal will have an all-female line-up on the Bench. How this gender-driven claim can contribute to the quality of judicial thinking escapes me. In a few years there’ll be more drivel when there is a first time all Maori Bench, or Chinese Bench, or amputees Bench etc…it conjures up the old Monkey portrait of “See No Evil, Hear No Evil.”

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Because diversity, you throwback!

        Yay, Cultural Marxism

        • Cadwallader says:

          There remains (and flourishes) a strong femi-division in the Law Society. Judicial appointments are conducted at core in a cloistered manner and based on the reciprocity of favours ahead of ability in some instances. Judges are, in other words, selected on their reluctance to rock any boats. This contrasts with a penchant to dare to truly think! I don’t tarnish every appointment by saying this.

  7. KG says:

    “..for the first time the NZ Court of Appeal will have an all-female line-up on the Bench. ”
    God. Help. Us. :evil:
    Time after time after fucking time I’ve seen female judges cock up, playing social worker, being fooled by murderous little assholes with angelic faces, making glaring mistakes in law.
    How the hell can an all-female Bench improve the quality of decision making?
    The answer – of course – is that it can’t and wont.
    Dumb, PC, irresponsible bastards.

    • Cadwallader says:

      You’re right about the social work. The majority of law graduates these days are females. My encounters with these recent graduates reveals they regard their degrees as qualifications in social work, yet they blame their repeated lack of elevation in the profession on their gender rather than on their contorted thinking. For those who contend there is too great a number of lawyers…the solution is close as the females don’t tend to stick around in the same numbers as the males.

    • Anonymous Basterd says:

      I’ll vouch for the feminisation of the law in Britain too. I’m trying to divorce (the reasons can do for another day). All the family law solicitors are female, who naturally recommends a female barrister for an appearance before a female judge. “Her indoors” won’t participate in the process at all; hasn’t filed any of the financial documents required at court, has refused to attend two hearings. All the lawyers and the judge consider it necessary to give great consideration to the mental capacity of “her indoors”. They must be good social workers for there are no other social workers yet involved; they have tried very hard to get a mental health assessment on her. One has now been done, but the judge is specifically forbidden (by professional medical confidentiality) from knowing what it says!

      In the meantime I see everyone growing rich except me! And very little chance of divorce in less than two years from starting. Of course, were it the other way round, I’d be in clink for contempt of court, and already deprived of all my property.

      • KG says:

        “Of course, were it the other way round, I’d be in clink for contempt of court, and already deprived of all my property.”
        Well, of course, A.B. You surely never thought that “Family Law” meant justice for women and men, did you?
        I just spent this evening talking to someone in a similar situation and I hear the same things again and again from others.
        And still many women have the nerve to whine about men being “commitment phobic”. 8O

  8. Darin says:

    Custom built twin turbo Hemi Charger–pFx5svBs

  9. KG says:

    ‘A British man is facing seven years in prison for threatening to stand outside a mosque in Scotland and burn an Islamic State battle flag, in a Facebook post that was reported to police.
    The authorities are no longer making any secret of which side they’re on, are they?

    • Yokel says:

      But most Brits refuse to believe the evidence of their own eyes, or are too cowed to.

      Anyone want to open a book on whether Anjem Choudary will be found guilty or not guilty of hate preaching? My guess is that his arrest is only to take the pressure off the prosecutors of the Northern Irish Presbyterian pastor, the one who called Islam Satanic. So after the Christian gets his two year sentence, cuddly Anjem will be released back into the community with a large wadge of compo in his back pocket for “malicious arrest” or something similar.

      Perhaps the time is coming to update a judicial comment from the days of British rule in Ireland. The jury had found the alleged miscreant not guilty in the face of some quite damning evidence. So on discharging the defendant the judge said “You have been found not guilty by a Co. Tipperary jury. You leave this court with no other stain on your character.”

      • KG says:

        :mrgreen: Very witty of the judge.
        For the rest of it, I reckon you’re right on the money, Yokel.

        • Darin says:

          If Choudry is found guilty it will only serve as a precedent to further crack down on other religions namely Christianity and you can also bet any judgements handed down will be disproportionate. :evil:

  10. Yokel says:

    Just an illustration of how long it is that the “Upper Echelons” of British society have held the ordinary folk in contempt:

    These weren’t “mistakes”, they were deliberate actions and deliberate cover ups. I fear that there is yet much more still lurking under the surface. But if it is drip fed to the public in a gentle way, it will not cause anguish or resentment and most especially not rebellion – it will just have become the new normal.

    • Wombat says:

      We can only wonder for the most part how many of the conspiracy theories out there are true.

      One thing’s for sure. I feel much safer being out in the sticks than in one of those collectivist laboratories they call cities.

      • Darin says:

        “Scientists” many of those scientists were Nazi and Imperial Japanese war criminals that escaped execution because Allied governments wanted them on the payroll after the war.

  11. KG says:

    “ will just have become the new normal.”
    It damn near has, Yokel.

  12. Wombat says:

    Looks like Venezuelans are discovering that one of the joys of hardcore socialism is that obesity related heath issues are never a problem.