Teachers and sexual misconduct
‘..It is not just Texas. Nationwide, it is epidemic, says Terry Abbott, the former U.S. Department of Education chief-of-staff who heads up Houston-based research firm Drive West Communications. They track reports of inappropriate teacher-student sexual relationship across the country…’
They will explain that although numerous, they’re still a tiny minority of teachers, not at all representative. And so it is. But those same people, when excoriating priests for the same offences, will claim that those priests represent an entire organisation and that all priests are suspect.
Hypocrisy defines the left.
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Any profession in which one has authority over children and is left in charge of them will be attractive to pedophiles. How could it be any other way?
This is not to say that the people in those professions are pedophiles; only that pedophiles would be attracted to those professions. (Indeed, I am sure that they fantasize about being in those professions.)
You have to acknowledge risks before you can manage them.
A paedophile is denoted as someone who is attracted to children.
Personally I am attracted to women. I don’t abuse them or rape them to gain their consent as I am not an abuser or rapist.
A paedophile, while fundamentally a broken individual, is not necessarily harmful. This is to say, we don’t have a problem with paedophiles. We have a problem with determined sexual predators.
This is where people mistake the actual problem we face. A determined sexual predator will organise their life and its efforts around finding access to victims, be they children or adults.
Why we utterly fail at preventing such evil is because when determined sexual predators demonstrate their psychosis we treat it as a common crime like a teenager being caught doing drugs, or a man cheating on his taxes.
We all know that once a dog starts killing sheep then you either have to keep it locked up for life or you have to put it down. You cannot “untrain” what has become the driving instinct and the focus of its entire existence, and you damn well have no business risking other people’s sheep on behalf of the dog’s chances at rehabilitation.
The same goes for determined sexual predators. They must be locked up for life or put down. No child or adult should ever have to suffer horribly because some paroled rapist has (predictably) “fallen off the wagon”.
p.s. I you ever wonder why the system seems to go so easy on sexual predators abusing children, consider who makes the laws and consider further that these depraved monsters operate in vast networks that stretch right up into the stratosphere of power and money.
Damn right they do, Wombat.
Leftists always obfuscate terms in an attempt to muddy the water.Whenever they bring up the pedo priests in the church I pour a little Chlorine in the pool and clear up the discussion.
I works like this-
Lefty-“the church has a history of covering up child molestation”
Me-“Yes,they have on occasion covered up molestation committed by Homosexual pedophiles,but so has the public school system which has engaged in the practice for longer with many times more victims”
Lefty-POP! Head explodes.
Lefty-“the church has a history of covering up child molestation”
Me- “The pope’s on your side now, so you own all that. By the way, how dare you associate with an organisation that employs and shields rampant paedophilia? What are you, some kind of sicko?”