Do the math

In the State of Wisconsin there are roughly 5.6 million people.There are also roughly an estimated 5.5 million guns and just 4 Democratic legislators who thought a gun ban and confiscation was a good idea.

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They changed their minds.

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6 Responses to Do the math

  1. Andrew Berwick says:

    They’re still alive. They’re still “legislators.” They’re still D’RATs. WISC might till vote for Clinton.

    Gun ownership – more than that, gun use – is a Constitutional Duty, not just a Right!

  2. KG says:

    “Assault weapons” eh…and I see three out of four of the turds are leftist women… :evil:

  3. carol-christian soldier says:

    now now – KG- many of us US women vehemently believe in the SECOND —
    BTW-It’s time for me to get to the range–practice makes perfect–thank you for the reminder via the video…

    For Freedom!!

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: Of course you do, Carol, and we love you for it.
      But the fact remains that the anti-gun movement is largely female-driven.