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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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This image is a deception.
Judaism demands global governance and the 7 laws of noah imposed on the goyim to be administered out of jerusalem ‘israel’.
The purpose of multiculturalism as advocated for by ‘jews’ of the left and right is to eliminate all racial nations as a necessary precursor to the above.
‘israel’ was prophesied by the rabbis to be made undead in 1948… All AngloCeltic ancestors fought WW1 and 2 for that out come.
Where did you get that lot from? Can you give some references to source material?
Modern-day Jews advocate no such thing.
That brought some worms out of the woodwork
Sure did.
Anti-Semitism is rooted in hatred, envy, ignorance and paranoia.
“Islamophobia” is rooted in the KORAN – with its 164 Jihad verses that commands the believer to rape, rob, loot, enslave and kill all non-believers.
There is no central command structure in Islam – no Pope, no priesthood, just the KORAN, the only book most Muslims ever read….Cut off one Islamic head and thousand appear somewhere else…Pull down one Islamic country and thousands of terrorists run West like cockroaches looking for a sugar cube.
Islam is the human super computer virus that goes on reproducing endlessly.
The world’s shortest book?The Koran with all the murder,violence and mayhem taken out.
You can only answer “no” in the Christian line because most Christians these days are wimps.
For the last 2000 years True Christians would answer “yes” to most of those questions – especially for the last 1000 years when it comes to Islam!