And that’s a bad thing?

‘Front National win could lead to civil war, warns French PM
France’s Socialist prime minister warns of a slide towards “civil war” if the far-Right National Front wins power in regional polls this weekend..’

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35 Responses to And that’s a bad thing?

  1. Al_in_Ottawa says:

    Isn’t that the French national sport? They’re on what, the fifth republic since they beheaded old Louis?

  2. Ronbo says:

    I predicted years ago that a series of revolutions/civil wars (What’s the difference, really?) would swept the West – I still hold to thinking they will start in America, but France could beat us to the punch – or Britain? – Australia? Canada? Maybe New Zealand? (If KG has anything to say about it)

  3. Ronbo says:

    Al_in_Ottawa said:

    “Isn’t that the French national sport? They’re on what, the fifth republic since they beheaded old Louis?”

    The French react quickly and emotionally to the winds of change on the planet – The American revolted against their king in 1775 – and in the eight year long revolutionary war that followed – many a Frenchman served in America fighting on the rebel side, including the ever famous Marquis Lafayette – who later played a major role in the first stage of the French Revolution of 1789.

    Yes, I do believe France is on her Fifth Republic and maybe they will get it right in the coming Sixth Republic…I know America could do with a Second Republic with begins with purge of socialists/progressives/liberals/leftists/Democrats or whatever the fuck the communists are calling themselves this week.

    • Andrew Berwick says:

      I know America could do with a Second Republic

      Hell yeah! A return to the original, unamended would be a good start.

  4. Flashman says:

    That’s the French for you. In the run up to WW2 they were changing their governments every couple of weeks, the left were marxist-communists and the right were nazis.

    Situation normal.

    As you were. Carry on up the cheese factory.

  5. Brown says:

    Yep, the French are interesting but there has always been tough bastards within the citizenry that will fight if provoked. Not most, or even many, but enough to do the job.

  6. MacDoctor says:

    Let me help you here, KG. If the left starts a civil war, it’s called a revolution and that’s a GOOD thing, because the cause is JUST. If the right start a civil war, it’s called oppression (usually accompanied by a descriptive such as “racist” or “evil”) and it is a BAD thing, because right-wingers are all rabid war-mongerers.

    Just thought I’d clear that up for you…

  7. K2 says:

    These aren’t your average “far right” folks

    Only in France can a party with a communist platform can be called “far right”.
    Apparently liberty is totally off the table there.

    • Andrew Berwick says:

      They are “far right” for the French.

      They believe in Restoring the Republic, and getting rid of liberals, leftists, actual commies, and immigrants. What more do you expect?

  8. Redbaiter says:

    KG: The cops prevented a street march in Sydney today to commemorate the Cronulla riots of a few years ago. Applied to the court for an injunction to stop it and were successful.

    Today they’re reportedly out in the streets demanding that Australian flags be taken down from cars that are flying them.

    Hows that for surrender?

    • KG says:

      8O are people obeying the fascist tools?
      The police are now the enemy too. They have chosen a side.
      I wish to God I were in Australia right now – they’d have to arrest me before I would take down the flag.
      I assume you’re flying the flag, Redbaiter?

      • Phil Stephenson says:

        I jut read that the only people arrested by the police there today were two lefty parasites from the Socialist Alliance, so there’s some good news. I am unaware of any legislation that would make it an offence to fly the Australian flag, and I am disgusted by the thought of the coppers having to demand people remove them.

        • Wombat says:

          It’s almost be worth the plane ticket just to turn up in socialist alliance gear, mask included, and wave around a huge flag that read: Socialist Alliance against Dirty Arabs!

  9. Flashman says:

    Fred at his best….

    • Wombat says:

      “My staff at the Pentagon have determined that “Akbar” is a combination of “AK,” automatic Kalashnikov, which I am told is a form of gun, and BAR, Browning Automatic Rifle. This shows an unwholesome fascination with guns. We are investigating links to the NRA:”

      Literary platinum.

  10. tranquil says:

    “…a slide towards “civil war”…”

    **Excellent!** That’s exactly what is needed!
    Go the F.N.!

    On a similar note, I was idly thinking of ways to kill off Muslims and I thought of a very high-pressure waterjet. Yes, it’d need to be very high-pressure but there are a few advantages –

    * Such gizmos would be relatively simple and relatively-easily made.
    * There is no law (yet) against such things.
    * Unlimited “ammo” (unless someone cuts off your water-supply).
    * Leaves naff-all evidence – no bullet-cases.
    “Gee, Officer, I was just watering my garden and that Muslim happened to wander past and got accidentally sprayed….. ”

    So yeah – a few plus-points there…..

  11. Darin says:

    The modern French left fight?? They haven’t the balls,better take a picture if they do,cause it won’t last long

  12. rivoniaboy says:

    It seems to me that civil, race or world war is just simmering under the surface. My greek heritage survival antennae keeps flashing orange.

    Best keep my powder dry.

    • Wombat says:

      The globalists will go all out for a world war if they (believe they) can manage it.

      Civil and race wars on home ground aren’t very helpful toward their agenda.

  13. Wombat says:

    This is simply a threat of violence.

    “We’re going to have it our way or we’re going to (attempt to) kill you all”.

    So desperate are they, that the socialists are conceding various seats simply to give the “business as usual” republicans a chance at keeping them.

    As if it matters. When your nation starts voting for the Le Pens and the Trumps then the fuse has already been lit, and the harder you try to blow it out the faster it’s going to burn.

    • KG says:

      “When your nation starts voting for the Le Pens and the Trumps then the fuse has already been lit, and the harder you try to blow it out the faster it’s going to burn.”
      Please God….

      • Andrew Berwick says:

        It is impossible to have an honest conversation with a liberal unless you are open carrying and the safety is off.

  14. KG says:

    O/T It’s time to start killing some Saudi ragheads:
    ‘Saudi Billionaire Prince Demands Donald Trump Exit 2016 Race
    Donald Trump has the best enemies – including a Saudi prince who funds Islamist advocacy in American universities…’

  15. Ronbo says:

    @Wombat: Right you are my friend!

    The Left in America has been radicalized starting over a decade ago – and since 2009, so has been the Right in reaction to the anti-American regime of Obama…calls to kill one another are getting quite common, as was done by this Leftist recently…and the Right has responded with equal venom calling Leftists traitors who deserve the death sentence!

    An excellent article in American Thinker gives a good background to what is happening in America today:


    This is the reason I believe an series of nationalist revolutions will swept the planet starting in America because of our near addiction – by millions of intelligent, ambitious and productive people to individual liberty, the free market and limited government.

    Of course, not in every country will the nationalist revolutions install the limited model government – not even in the USA – at best they will be authoritarian for many years until the happy balance between individual liberty and state power is achieved.

    But what the Hell? People like us are not utopians like the Leftists – if we can’t have the full loaf, then half a loaf will do.

    • KG says:

      The second link is excellent, Ronbo.

    • Wombat says:

      Seasoned with the blood of our enemies, a shit sandwich is more than palatable.

    • Andrew Berwick says:

      By definition the left have been radicals and traitors since day 1.

      Hell we can even see evidence of evil leftist meddling in the Constitution – the ones who didn’t flee to Canada, and who weren’t shot or hanged.

      There really is only one way to deal with leftists.

  16. Andrew Berwick says:

    And it seems the leftists are starting to notice:

    “The last time a U.S. political party put forth a radical like this was 1860.”