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In the old days you had to become a priest and it still was illegal now you just join the TSA and you can do it legal.
Also muslims will feel at home.
More teachers than priests molest children. How come nobody mentions that fact?
True. But there are also more teachers than priest. Real men don’t like to be around small kids all day. If they do watch out!
Of course if you have the faculties to become a teacher you don’t join the TSA.
“True. But there are also more teachers than priest.”
I’d like to see a per-capita comparison regarding offending.
“Faculties to become a teacher”? In Australia at least, University entry requirements for wannabe teachers are among the lowest. (bottom 10%, if I recall correctly)
And how come so many semi-literates graduate as teachers?
Same here,there is a lot of truth to the saying “those that can’t,teach” these days.
Yep, These days they really don’t like smart teachers that can think of their own . The same happens in the police force. Obey don’t think.
This will always happen when governments grows too big and too powerful. They become a mafia. They don’t like you having freedom they don’t like the free market system. They don’t like it if they can’t control every aspect of your life.
A group of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders, accompanied by two female teachers, went on a field trip to the local racetrack, Churchill Downs, to learn about thoroughbred horses and the supporting industry (Bourbon), but mostly to see the horses.
When it was time to take the children to the bathroom, it was decided that the girls would go with one teacher and the boys would go with the other.
The teacher assigned to the boys was waiting outside the men’s room when one of the boys came out and told her that none of them could reach the urinal.
Having no choice, she went inside, helped the boys with their pants, and began hoisting the little boys up one by one, holding on to their ‘wee-wees’ to direct the flow away from their clothes.
As she lifted one little guy, she couldn’t help but notice that he was unusually well endowed.
Trying not to show that she was staring, the teacher said, “You must be in the 5th grade.”
“No, ma’am,” he replied. “I’m riding Silver Arrow in the seventh race, but I appreciate your help.”
Just looking at that picture turns my stomach.
And mine. Reading the article that accompanies it, even more so.
The worst is the TSA has failed to stop even one terrorist attack.It’s merely security theater and does nothing but invade our privacy and waste our time and money.
As I recall there were many TSA agents on the no-fly list, and when randomly tested something like 95% of security threats got through the check anyway.
KG said:
“More teachers than priests molest children. How come nobody mentions that fact?”
Actually they do – but these people are usually conservative writers/media or patriot bloggers/media like us – the Leftard Lamestream Media will report the teacher sex crimes against kids, but only on the local news. They refuse to connect the dots nationally and ignore the problem on that level.
The reason they do this is because “public” (government) teachers are members of Big Brother’s Ministry of Truth (lies) and the key players in brainwashing young children.
Ask yourself when was the last time you saw a movie or television show that didn’t portray a teacher as a positive role model for the children.
…and we know Hollywood is owned by the Leftards…
Exactly, Ronbo. And their rotten Marxist unions protect them no matter what.
For a progressive, happy childhoods are just more fuel for the sacrificial altar of their political machine.
Now THAT is some really sick shit. Like something Mr. Herbert from Family Guy would dream up.
My solution to TSA intrusion is quite simple. If I cannot drive there… then I don’t need to go there.
My attitude is that the TSA and DHS are both symptoms of the same problem.We had one group of people,just one that was causing the problem,but because of our perverse PC death cult we ended up invading the privacy of every American instead of just the few that were causing the problem.
When my cousin was living in Houston I used to hop a commuter flight over on Friday,spend Saturday and Sunday and fly back Sunday night.$90-100 round trip,it was a good,cheap way to get away on the weekend,take in a ball game and unwind.That was before 9/11,now I wouldn’t get on a plane for all the money in the world.
You can’t make this stuff up. You really can’t.
“Dystopian” hardly begins to cover it.
It has NEVER been because of your security It is there to get you used to obey to feel like shit or/and a slave.
Land of the free home of the brave ?
Remember that most terrorism is State funded. They will use a private plane.