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19 Responses to aaaaaw….

  1. KG says:

    Fuckwit of the week:
    ‘Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg says spreading ‘love’ can help combat ISIS attacks’

  2. Darin says:

    Easter Bunny-“I had a job,a house,health care and a new car before you happened asshole!”

    • Darin says:

      Intresting too is the fact that he was flying against the Mig-15 which was made possible after the Russians reverse engineered the RR Nene,25 of which were given to the Russians as a good will gesture on the condition they weren’t to be used in a military application.

      Sounds familiar to the “let’s give reactor technology to the North Koreans for peaceful purposes only

  3. KG says:

    Ecclesiastes 10:2:
    The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.

    • Ronbo says:

      It’s Trump’s fault!

      He said that Islam didn’t like America.

      So what’s a red blooded Muzzie to do, I ask you in all honesty?

      He wanted to fly somewhere and get some safe space from Trump.

  4. Bo Chandler says:

    Chicago now at lowest credit rating other than junk.

    Aside, aren’t these credit rating just plain stupid. Triple B minus? Do these idiots know that there are 26 letter in the alphabet?

  5. Bo Chandler says:

    edit: The original comment here got so long I gave it a spot on the front page.