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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Last week it was red meat…..
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Vegetabetalists , in my experience. have always been boring. I avoid them.
Same here.
I guess the grocers union didn’t come through with the extortion money.
Offload carrot market shares.
So everything in moderation is still the best choice for Omnivores then?
I’m feeling somewhat micro-aggressed on this particular topic and would much prefer a discussion on the Afrikan diaspora. Perhaps I should text my chaplain?
most red meat producers – cattle-sheep-pigs- only eat veggies- so- we get our ‘required’ veggie quota by eating their meat!
BTW- HORSES are also veggie eaters- but—no horse slaughtering or eating them!!!!!
Righto. But we can still use ’em to make glue, right?
Veggies are what real food eats.
I used to work with a bloke who went on an all fruit diet for three weeks. At the end of it he looked dreadful and had lost no weight. After that he decided to try a month on vegetables only. After that he looked worse than dreadful and had actually put on weight. After that he reneged and only ate meat pies. One week later he looked human again.
I’ve seen something similar happen again and again, Alan.
Some people are slow learners…