‘A Dangerously Deluded Pope’

‘Groveling isn’t a virtue in the face of violent jihad; it’s a sign of weakness and moral cowardice.’


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11 Responses to ‘A Dangerously Deluded Pope’

  1. Darin says:

    Yup,I guess he missed the fact that Christ washed the feet of his FOLLOWERS.

  2. C-CS says:

    Christ told his followers to Occupy til I come”–
    Occupy is a military term-

  3. Ronbo says:

    We need a new Pope – This stinking commie is stupid, dangerous and a Marxist.

  4. MikeH. says:

    From the article quote of the pope: “We’re the world.”

    Me thinks the old socialist douche is trying to promote the idea of “One World” with his “we’re the world” statement. But, perhaps I’ve spent too much time reading at the Infowars slop trough and taken on a highly slanted conspiracy theorist kind of mindset.

    I have to admit, I really don’t know who his kumbaya, peace and love bullshit was directed at… the violent jihadi hoard running rampant across the globe or, the victims left thoroughly violated in the wake of that violent jihadi hoard.

    Our hajji enemy see us as too contemptible to lick their left hands, let alone kiss their feet. We know who our enemy is. We know who their facilitators are. We know what they are striving for, especially in regard to our longevity. The last thing we need is titular figureheads, self-serving “globalists” and corrupt political leaders blowing smoke up our kilts.

  5. Brown says:

    Roman Catholicism has always been a political outfit. They took away the direct relationship between believers and God, replacing it with priests and the pope who could charge for everything by being intermediaries. Its a bastardised religion and while there will be Christians within it, and lots f them, the organisation itself denies much of the Christian doctrines that were taught by Christ and the apostles. For this reason I don’t expect the Pope to be sensible.

    • Darin says:

      Spot on,I also challenge the idea that the church controlled the government.In reality the government controlled the church and the church controlled the people.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        Christianity was adopted by many states as the state religion because it’s observants are peaceful and productive. The Catholic church was the icing on the cake for many rulers because it was a direct leash running from their hand to the necks of the believers.

        Rulers only rule this mortal coil, so for utter control it was necessary to have a hand in being able to condemn people to hell if they stepped out of line. Some men are willing to die in an act of rebellion, but few spiritual men would do so if they thought they were in for an eternity of suffering afterwards.

  6. Bo Chandler says:

    Via VladTepes.


    “The Belgian response to the terrorist attacks on its soil last week has been pathetic. It’s bad enough that a “march against fear” was cancelled because of fear.

    But in an upside down move, authorities closed down synagogues because they said they couldn’t guarantee their security — while leaving all the mosques open, where more radicalism will be spread.”

    This is the sickening outcome of the pussification of Western society.
    Government: We’re criminalising your right to bear arms. Everyone will be safer if only the police have guns. Oops. Look at that. A security threat. We’re going to have to ask you to go home and cower under your bed because we can’t guarantee your security.

    • KG says:

      “But in an upside down move, authorities closed down synagogues because they said they couldn’t guarantee their security — while leaving all the mosques open, where more radicalism will be spread.”
      Bastards bastards gutless, dishonest bastards. :evil:

  7. Ronbo says:

    The Hildabeast to face the Director the FBI soon for intense interrogation on the email scandal and her secret server.

    I can just hear it now:

    FBI Director: “Ms. Clinton did you do anything wrong?”

    Hillary: “I know nothing. I hear nothing. I see nothing!”

    FBI Director: “Well, thank goodness we cleared that mess up in a hurry. I’m hungry. Let’s break for lunch.”http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif