I smell white wash

Hmmmm…..so “Gucifer 2.0” “hacked” the DNC servers and “stole” a bunch of financial records they had accumulated on Hillary?


So a phony break in,that revealed nothing,so everything must be just A-o-kay with her right?Riiiight….. :roll:

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3 Responses to I smell white wash

  1. Andrew Berwick says:

    Providing aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war is treason.

    Running an insecure mail server is designed to allow the enemy to access confidential emails – and thus is treason.

    Treason is the only crime that explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, and the only crime for which there is one Constitutionally mandated punishment.

    • Darin says:

      You know that and I know that,but 43% of the American public doesn’t care and 99.995% of the media is silent about it.

      Remember when Bush 41 got a constant hammering on the economy,jobs,education and security.And all Slick Willy Clinton got asked was whether he wore “Boxers or briefs”?

      Ya,same thing this time round.