Open House


“This is our country. This is our airport,” the official said in English, pointing and speaking angrily with the aide.


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60 Responses to Open House

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    I am at a loss for words to describe this because the pile of bullshit this woman unleashes from her mouth is beyond my capabilities to define.

    • D.T. says:

      After watching the entire vid I noticed there was another female passenger in the front seat agreeing with the driver. Just like the ” Hugh Mungous ” vid , these harpies make stuff up as they cry ” wolf ” about ” sexual harassment ” and ” cultural appropriation ” . These zealots truly need their heads read…madder than cut snakes.

      • Ronbo says:

        If I’d been the driver, the Leftist bitch would have been kicked out of my car after the first sentence of PC – Scum like this need to be put in their place and degraded with a spit to the face, or a kick in the ass.

        • Darin says:

          SJW’s are miserable people,so miserable in fact that they feel the need to spread their misery everywhere they go.They are abnormal,mentally ill people and should be treated as such.

          • Seneca III says:

            No, incarceration is for the genuinely mentally ill. This is an SJW and as such is an example of retrograde evolution.
            The only answer is humane killing in order to preserve the integrity of the human genetic pool – before it reproduces, I might add.

  2. MvL says:

    Something completely different.
    From a man who knows how to use the English language.
    A riveting tale on an unlikely subject. You may never stand on another ant.

    Hey I liked it anyway.

    • Darin says:

      Cool read,Ants are fascinating little creatures,except Fireants,those little spawn of Satan bastards must die,all of them :twisted:

    • mawm says:

      “The Soul of the White Ant” by Eugene Marais published in 1925 explores some of these phenomena. It is also fascinating reading. Unfortunately his work was plagiarised by a French Nobel Prize winning entomologist. I believe it is available on line along with another book of his – “The Soul of the Ape”. Fascinating man!

      • KG says:, there’s a famous name!

      • rivoniaboy says:

        In The Soul of the Ape , Marais uses the term “evening melancholy” and during that time a sound of mourning would be uttered.
        It has left a deep impression on me . I suppose more so since my wife suffers from Alzheimers.

  3. Ronbo says:

    “This is our country. This is our airport,”

    Hey now, CHICOMS – I thought you guys were all for Globalism? No more borders and no more countries?

    So what’s this “My Country” shit?

  4. Gregoryno6 says:

    A moment from long ago. Frank Thring’s ad for Martin’s cigarettes.

  5. Darin says:

    Lib heads are exploding today,seems Trump visited and gave a speech at a Black Church in Detroit…..which ended with a standing ovation-

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      The BBC was running a show yesterday about his grandfather’s home town in Germany. I had to turn it off, because I can’t afford another radio, or another busted window.
      The MSM are scrabbling desperately to find anything on Trump. Meanwhile, Hillary’s past is holy ground. None dare tread upon it.

      • Darin says:

        Yup,if you or I or Trump had a parking ticket from 30 years ago the press would find it and make hay over it.But Hillary can literally commit murder and lie in realtime and get a free pass.

  6. KG says:

    “90% of all the money I ever had I spent on women, booze and drugs. The other 10% I just blew.”
    Ronnie Hawkins

    • KG says:

      gaaargh! “subscribe to read”.
      But just from the headline, it sounds like more greenie/subsidised “science” bullshit.

      • Darin says:

        Here you go,cut and pasted-

        The countryside is supposed to offer a healthy escape from the blight of city smog, but new research suggests this is not the case for people living near a lot of pig, cow or chicken farms.

        The air around farming “hotspots” can be as risky to breathe as that in a traffic-choked city, according to Dr Lidwien Smit, the senior author of a year-long government-funded study in the Netherlands.

        “If you talk about air pollution, people always think ‘Oh, that’s an urban problem’ and of course it is,” said Dr Smit, an environmental epidemiologist at Utrecht University.

        But the biggest contribution to deaths linked with air pollution in Europe comes from agriculture, “and no one knows this really”, she said. Intensive farms in particular should be subjected to the same strict pollution rules as other industries, she added.

        Scientists have already established that agriculture helps create the haze pollution that drifts across many countries. The Dutch study is one of the first to use physical health tests to measure the impact of farms on the health of nearby residents.

        One of the main culprits is the ammonia released from animal urine and feces. It can combine with other substances in the atmosphere to form a type of air pollution known as particulate matter, microscopic particles small enough to be inhaled that have been shown to affect lung and heart health.

        About 94 per cent of ammonia emissions in Europe come from agriculture, official data show, mainly from activities such as manure storage or slurry spreading.

        Dr Smit and her colleagues tested nearly 2,500 adults in a rural area in the south-east of the Netherlands, where the spread of towns and villages means people live relatively close to the pig, cattle and poultry farms dotting the region. The area is home to about 1m people and 6m pigs, Dr Smit said.

        Those tested had to inhale deeply and blow out hard to measure how well their lungs worked.

        After adjusting for age, gender and other factors such as smoking history, the researchers found the lung function of people living within 1km of 15 or more farms was on average 5 per cent worse than that of people living further away from such farms.

        That may not sound like a lot, said Dr Smit, but it is still significant. “It can be clinically relevant, especially in those with an already compromised lung function,” she said.

        Adults were tested in the south-east of the Netherlands, in an area home to 1m people and 6m pigs
        The research also found a correlation between lung health and high levels of ammonia. When people were tested after local air quality monitors showed the weekly average concentration of ammonia had risen by 10 micrograms per cubic meter, lung function readings were typically 4 per cent worse than when ammonia levels were lower.

        This was seen in healthy adults as well as those with existing respiratory conditions, according to the study, which is due to be presented to the European Respiratory Society’s international congress that starts in London this weekend.

        The findings underline the need for governments to take tougher action on farm pollution, said Professor Stephen Holgate, the society’s science council chair.

        “It raises a very important issue,” he said, adding that there needed to be much better monitoring of intensive farming’s “pollution plumes that spread out across the neighbourhood”.

  7. KG says:

    Video=> Bill Clinton Said This in ’95 and Got Standing Ovation, Trump Says it Today and Media Calls Him a Racist

    NumbersUSA put together this terrific clip showing the complete bias by today’s mainstream media. In 1995 Bill Clinton defended America’s borders and promised to cut down on illegal immigration, Congress gave him a standing ovation… Even if he didn’t mean it. Today Donald Trump speaks out on safe borders and national sovereignty and the media labels him a racist. This media bias is out of control..’

  8. Gregoryno6 says:

    “One group of demonstrators told Breitbart London how Brexit was like the killing of Harambe, the Cincinnati gorilla, because as his life was taken away without his choice, so they have been taken out of the EU against their will.”
    And I bet they were huh…huh…choking back TEARS as they said it!
    Shout out to Mister Sensitive Bearded Person, in the photos.
    Europe is a – ? Oh, really?

  9. KG says:

    8O Yegods! Just jail the cow already!
    ‘..Using the state-contolled telephone system in China to log into her unencrypted email account with an unencrypted password was the height of recklessness…’

    • Darin says:

      But it’s a great way to pass on state secrets to our enemies and then later play dumb about it. :evil:

      • KG says: Exactly.

      • mawm says:

        I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole Obama Administration behave in the same manner as Clinton. To them it’s more important to hide the facts from the voting public than from foreign governments.

        I must remember to buy shares in American companies making paper shredders and disc cleaning software asap.

  10. KG says:

    Kaspersky Labs password security checker:

    Wabbit got “it would take a home computer using a brute-force attack 10000+ centuries to crack your password”
    (Password was arrived at using a true-random number generator which in turn was translated into a seven word passphrase)

  11. mara says:

    First woman on the Moon.
    “Houston, we have a problem.”
    “Never mind.”
    What’s the problem?
    Please tell us.
    “Never mind.”

  12. mara says:

    Michael in Nelson,

  13. Ronbo says:

    White slavery in America: A politically Incorrect fact with documents to prove it:

    …and the same thing happened in the colonial period in Australia and New Zealand – the English judge sentenced you to “Transportation” to the colonies for alleged petty crimes like stealing a loaf of bread.

    So blacks “Cry Me A River” – all our ancestors white, black, brown, yellow, or red were slaves at some point in the family tree.

  14. Darin says:

    Report=”Right wing people more likely to be sexually satisfied”

    Maybe it’s just lefties are never satisfied,with anything,ever?

    • Darin says:

      Third world shit holes don’t happen by accident.And that ladies and gents is why if I ever have to travel on public transit or sleep in a hotel I bring hand sanitizer and travel size Lysol.

      • Ronbo says:

        My military career spent in mostly Third World shitholes has built up my immunity to record levels – First World germs ain’t shit.

  15. Ronbo says:

    Philippines’ Duterte calls Obama ‘son of a whore’…

    I think he may be on to something….

  16. KG says:

    Anyone know of a set of good chainsaw mill plans?