Does He have the Goods?

Wikileaks set to release more documents-


I hope this is the death knell we have been waiting for,instead of a fizzle.

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17 Responses to Does He have the Goods?

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Trump just bought!

    The best part is where the Clinton campaign said they couldn’t afford to buy it. Talk about stupid

  2. .Alan says:

    Words fail me. Wikileaks is a 50/50 proposition. Could be a damp squid or on the other hand devastating. On what has gone before, it could be a big yawn.

  3. .Alan says:

    Sorry should read damp squib.

  4. Ronbo says:

    Speaking as one of many who went to federal prison for political reasons because of Mr. & Mrs. Clinton, I am watching Fox News for the announcement by WikiLeaks. The latest report is that Julian will address the world via Berlin.

    Yes, this could be the “Big One” that spells Waterloo for the Hildabeast and her Demon Bill, but only if the Prussians show up on time.

  5. Ronbo says:

    Don’t miss the new Remus article:

    “The Tea Party and the Alt-Right are surface expressions of something neither of them fully capture, momentary flecks in a pyroclastic flow. The Tea Party, classically activist, was the last polite grievance by a now largely defunct middle class. Ignored and betrayed by turns, it metamorphosized into the Alt-Right, classically territorial, kickers-in of doors, fronted by berserkers talented at holing the enemy. It sows confusion and fear by being everywhere and nowhere in a merry game of whack-a-mole, most visibly the Pepe meme, after Kek, the frog god of chaos in ancient Egypt.”

    • KG says:
      and, also from Remus:
      ‘..That’s it. Either you want to survive or you want to be the best informed corpse in the city. Said differently, he who panics first panics best. Yes, there are times when panic is the rational response, not in the sense of unthinking reaction but in the sense of committing to survive without wasting time on distractions. First get off the tracks, then watch the train…’

  6. Tom says:

    Personally I think Assange is all full of shit.Not that I wouldnt like to see shit on the Hilderbeast.

  7. KG says:

    Also via Remus:
    ‘After the Republic’
    By: Angelo M. Codevilla
    ‘..On the Republican side, 17 hopefuls promised much, without dealing with the primordial fact that, in today’s America, those in power basically do what they please. Executive orders, phone calls, and the right judge mean a lot more than laws. They even trump state referenda. Over the past half-century, presidents have ruled not by enforcing laws but increasingly through agencies that write their own rules, interpret them, and punish unaccountably—the administrative state. As for the Supreme Court, the American people have seen it invent rights where there were none—e.g., abortion—while trammeling ones that had been the republic’s spine, such as the free exercise of religion and freedom of speech. The Court taught Americans that the word “public” can mean “private” (Kelo v. City of New London), that “penalty” can mean “tax” (King v. Burwell), and that holding an opinion contrary to its own can only be due to an “irrational animus” (Obergefell v. Hodges).
    (bold mine)
    Only civil war will rectify this shit. And that, only “maybe”.

    • Ronbo says:

      Well that’s what happened in Rome at the end of the civil wars and the victory of Augustus – He fired or executed all the disloyal Senators, purged the republican bureaucracy and created an authoritarian rule over the country….

      The same thing could happen in the USA, since the Obama Regime has removed all the constitutional roadblocks to authoritarian rule – and under Trump the country could take a hard right turn to nationalism very quickly.