July 4th 1776

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10 Responses to July 4th 1776

  1. Darin says:

    The Little Known Story of The Declaration of Independence
    American Thinker-

    “What was truly revolutionary was not military success against all odds in the war for independence. Rather it was the assertion in the Declaration of Independence that the rights of the people come from God, and not the state. And since rights come from God, they are absolute and “inalienable,” and the state’s governing authority was to be limited by that first principle and thus should not infringe those rights. No other nation in history, perhaps with the exception of ancient Israel, was founded in such a way that the sovereignty of the state was limited by inalienable rights of its people.”

  2. Ronbo says:

    The late great Ayn Rand – the founder of Objectivist philosophy that is firmly based on logic and reason – called the United States the only “moral” country in the world based on the Declaration of Independence, which stated, as noted above, that the rights of man where “inalienable” and above the authority of any government to grant or deny.

    Anyhow, other than the Declaration and the Christmas victory at Trenton – 1776 was a year of military disasters for the new country. The Royal Navy hauling with it 20,000 man British Army into New York harbor was the best land force in the world – and they gave Washington’s newly formed and badly equipped/officered/trained Continental Army defeat after defeat in bloody battles in New York and New Jersey. At the battle of Long Island, the new army was thrown into total panic by the Redcoats and retreated so rapidly, the British cavalry played fox hunt tunes to the backs of U.S. Army.

    We forget today what a close run thing was the revolutionary war. When the American Army became up against the British on an open battlefield they usually lost. And this went on for year after year. The British easily took three major American cities – New York, Philadelphia and Charleston. Thanks to the Royal Navy, the British army could strike at will the major population centers of the day that were located near the Atlantic.

    • Ronbo says:

      Speaking of the Revolutionary War in America (1775 to 1783) which was also a civil war between the Tory Loyalists and the American Patriots – I found this interesting link at the most recent edition The Woodpile Report on the coming Second U.S. Civil War: http://www.resist.com/CWII.pdf

      The author thinks the USA will subdivide into several ethnic nations after a bloody conflict.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_unsure.gif

      • KG says:

        I downloaded the .pdf Ronbo, and he makes a good case.
        But at best it’s all guesswork until CW2 actually happens. If there’s to be a last ‘white Christian’ redoubt, I reckon there will be one in Eastern Europe and one in America.

        • Ronbo says:


          Once again, GMTA – Great Minds Think Alike!

          Yes, a variety of opinions of what CW2 would look like if one breaks out in a violent fashion – as many call what’s happening now a “The Cold Civil War” that stays more or less nonviolent and conducts operations by propaganda, deception, espionage, etc. like the old Cold War between the East and West.

          I do think, however, subdivisions of the country will not happen, or if they do happen, they won’t last for long as neither Right or Left will tolerate anything except total victory.

          It’s like Lincoln said, “all of one thing, or all of the other.”

  3. Darin says:

    There is a rift forming between the traditional fellow travelers on the left.Seems the left in Portland thinks ill of the Left from Cali-
