The Great Meme War of 2017

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16 Responses to The Great Meme War of 2017

    • Jamie says:

      Jamie: CNN’s over there, Alex Jones there, me right smack in the middle.
      Darin: If you are thinking what I suspect, I tell you, don’t try it!
      Jamie: Crazy bell-ringer was right. There’s money to be made in these parts.

      Alex Jones: That’s the right idea? You didn’t misunderstand?
      Jamie: I get the wrong idea only when it suits me.
      Alex Jones: You are well informed, eh?
      Jamie: A man’s life in these parts often depends on a mere scrap of information. Your brother’s own words.
      Alex Jones: Tell me. Why are you doing this for us?
      Jamie: [Holds out his hand with a response that is almost a question]
      – Five hundred dollars
      [$20,000 adjusted for inflation]

      [Willing to partner up on this venture 50/50 for a fistful of dollars]

      The Man With The Name – danger fits him like a 1000 suit. He is perhaps the most dangerous man who ever lived….

      Trump: You see, I understand you networks were just playin’ around, but them meme-sters, they just don’t get it. Course, if you were to all apologize…
      [CNN Laugh]
      Trump: I don’t think it’s nice, you threatening to dox some bloke. You see, them meme-stars don’t like getting doxxed. They gets the crazy idea you’re gonna dox all of them. Now if you apologize, like I know you’re going to, I might convince them that you really didn’t mean it.

      Trump: You shoot to kill, you better hit the heart. Your own words, CNN.
      [CNN fires off two shots, but The Man With The Name stands right back up]
      Trump: The heart CNN. Don’t forget the heart. Aim for the heart, or you’ll never stop me.

  1. Darin says:

    Meanwhile Trump gets rock star welcome in Poland-

    • Ronbo says:

      Trumpism is catching on in Europe:

      A specter is haunting the world – The specter of nationalism.

      • mawm says:

        That’s just the odour of the rotting corpse of liberalism/progressivism/socialism/communism.

        • Ronbo says:

          Politically speaking, the Left is dead in America, but unfortunately, The Leftist Media still thinks most people in the USA agrees with them….and they still think the Democrat Party is a viable force for socialism….and that their decades old technique of destroying Republican politicians will bring down Trump.

          Ditto large sections of the federal bureaucracies and the Institutions, such as Academia, Big Media and the Lamestream Churches – but the man on the street – the average Joe or Jane who make America work – can feel the tide has turned.

          It’s like the story of the man who kicks in the door of an old rotting house – and entire structure comes crashing down.

          I think Trump is the man who kicked in the fateful door.

          First America….Then Europe….Then the world.

          It’s a Global Revolution.

          “Make The World Great Again!”

    • Make Europe Great Again!

  2. Ronbo says:

    The Trump Doctrine announced in Warsaw this today:

    The defense of Western Civilization – and the main enemy named – the International Socialists/ruling class/elites/

    Of course, not in exactly those words…

    • Gregoryno6 says:

      Locally our biggest problem are the ineptocrats of Canberra.
      Not happy reading…

      • Ronbo says:

        Make Australia Great Again!

        I’ll tell you how.

        Declare a republic and draft a constitution that makes inalienable rights of freedom of speech, assembly, publication, worship – and gun ownership with concealed carry allowed for all honest citizens.

        Then enact an open primary system with strict term limits of no more than eight years in federal office…make the individual politician – who is always assumed to be a criminal and watched carefully – legally responsible for his actions.

        Restrict the right to vote and to hold office to honorable discharged veterans with at least two years of service…ditto policemen…firemen – and patriotic citizens who lack the physical ability for demanding federal service, but are willing to do some type of hard labor for the republic – like teaching school in high crime urban areas.

        Make a requirement of high school and college courses of civic virtue and the duties of the citizen. The stress would be on the Australian constitution and the virtue of a free state under the rule of law, and equal time given to the various theories of bad government – with great attention given on the bad – to include socialism, fascism and communism.

        If Australia would create such a free republic, in a generation the streets would be paved with gold- and good, intelligent, hard working and educated people from the four corners of the earth would put in their application and stand in mile long lines to become citizens.