Misanthropy is a major driving force within the Prog movement. While it is not a certainty that it was there from the start (19th Century), there is no doubt it is there now. The Sustainability sub-movement of the Prog’s has demonstrated that in many ways, and its most open fanatics explicitly deride humanity’s numbers as the root of the problem.
Their success at hiding their intentions has taken our elite to a terrible new frontier. While organ transplant demand certainly risks making potential commodities of us all, the unspoken nightmare is that you’d be supremely lucky if your life is ended quickly.
I apologize to Crusaders for repeating that opening paragraph one more time, but I’ve spent at least 30 years (Ca. 1992 a death cultist “doctor” got me banned from Prodigy) exposing at nearly every opportunity how the Prog movement hates humanity other than themselves. Oh, I’m sure independent psychologists would declare that their fanaticism reveals their self-hatred as well, but I think that aspect is not worth pursuing even if those so afflicted could pay heed.
What has changed is that over the last few decades organ transplants have become a big business with many seeking to benefit from it. The silence that is breaking is the awareness that confronting the common man is a danger like none before it. Not only will the DNA database make many more people targets for abduction for “donation,” but those targets are going to be subject to much more torture.
Why subject to torture? Because those who can pay to get their new heart on demand will want that heart stress-tested so they will not need to undergo a new surgery too soon. I leave it to readers to consider how much they are looking forward to the many ways they might be “stress tested.”
Maybe I’m wrong. I pray that I am. So I’d love to hear sound objections.
So many believe that organ transplants are here to stay that the very notion of challenging them as a threat is a threat itself.
Or if you or a loved one has obtained one or are seeking one, you may hate me for troubling your conscience, and you’d prefer to see me as engaging in hysterics and delusions. Show me how?
Objections will come from all comers about how organ transplants are here to stay: from Right and Left and anywhere in between. Let’s hear it if you have some clear counter-arguments other than common stupid and foreseeable ad hominems.
The point is that from my conversations both on the web and in meat space, the silence is breaking. It is clear that I am not the only one who sees the threat for abduction and murder. But I appear to be the first who has broken the news to people of the torture likelihood.
“Where did you hear that?”
“Nowhere. It is a logical follow on once human life is reduced to a mere commodity.”
So lets formerly break the silence. Bring your arguments and let us spread the results. That’s the least we can do. It is futile to wait for corporate media and associates to speak of it first. Power has worked to keep this sub rosa for too long already.
First it is fair that you ask:
“What silence? There have been fictions that have explored unwilling donors for decades.”
Yes, but I don’t know of any popular one that mentions torture. You should view that threat as inevitable. Furthermore, we do not know how painful because the possible ways are far more broad than merely being aware that you or a loved one are to be murdered for the sake or at the whim of some high ranking bastard.
Another objection is:
“Surely we’ve been told that there are safety measures installed in the industry. Why doubt it?”
Who cannot doubt? The willful naif? After only a few undercover videos revealed the glee and greed of the Planned Parenthood officials in their collecting of body parts from surely pain-feeling near newborns, who is so naive that anybody is safe from powers that can bribe or threaten those installed to keep the practice from being abused? And what I have just written doesn’t even mention that the practice is nearly cannibalism. It certainly is cannibalization. And who knows how many Lecters are out there willing to pay for their dinner too?
Well, there I have provided you with a couple of strong objections I’ve encountered and given you my responses. What else have you got?
Oh, one more thing. Let’s point out that there now is added meaning, and perhaps reinforcement to our commitment, to a very old challenge, vividly:
An interesting post, Pascal.
I’m not so convinced about the idea of torture testing individuals though. The torture itself could inflict damage in several ways which would never occur in most normal individuals’ lifetimes.
As for “involuntary organ donation” I’m pretty damn sure that’s already happening.
Anything involving money, power and survival is absolutely certain to be corrupted sooner or later
How many executions in China and the subsequent organ harvesting are prompted and funded by wealthy, corrupt individuals for their own ends? We’ll never know but I’d bet my life that the number isn’t zero.
Corruption of any kind eventually becomes the norm as people are de-sensitized so I very much doubt that it won’t happen here in the West sooner or later.
Number 2 is almost certainly true KG. But here’s some more to consider for number 1.
The 2nd paragraph of the thread-starter understated the extent that our lives are already being treated as mere commodities. While our functioning body parts are priceless to us, the taboos against others wishing they could have any of them have been effectively erased.
You are correct we do not know to what extent it is currently going on in China, but we know from the breaking silence that we’re attempting to expand that prisoners there are at the mercy of state-sanctioned merchants.
Once human life is seen as merely a resource to be used as the masters wish, there is no moral and ethical limits on experimentation using humans.
Repeatedly trumpeted by corporate media is how PETA and their ilk get all worked up on the treatment of lab rats while the rest of the Sustainability fanatics complain that the only thing our planet has in excess are humans.
That climate (a too real CACC) has told us too clearly that experimentation on man, for which the NAZIs were previously condemned (and still are when the media chooses), is now permissible. Requests for volunteers for clinical trials provide us an inkling. When there are insufficient volunteers, there are now other ways. We ignore at our peril an expansionist view of Utilitarianism such as John Stuart Mill never dared hint at. It certainly is logical to run tests on a whole lot of subjects to discover what sort of “training” is best and then use the conclusion to create the best “product” and put those on the market at auction with a rating of AAA.
Yes the earliest hearts from experimental victims might not be the best heart to offer for transplant, but surely the later subjects, after years of research — and albeit unfortunate sacrifice
— will meet the demand for the best product.
KG: Does that come close to answering number 2: your doubts that the common man is at increased risk of torture? And I haven’t even developed the Lecter angle. Imagine overfeeding humans to provide sapient fois gras. For some gourmands it might not be torture. But being sapient, knowing why one is being overfed would.
Yes, just as an earlier generation reluctantly (allegedly) benefited from the experiments of the NAZIs, nowadays the taboos against such savagery appear to be pretty much erased — except when those in authority are pushed to explain themselves.
Speaking of which. Have you noticed how the whistle-blowers of Planned Parenthood’s commoditizing baby parts are being lauded as heroes while the perpetrators are being prosecuted, being forced to explain themselves in court? No? Neither have I. In fact, the reverse is ongoing.
You’ve thought it through better than I have, Pascal.
Have you read Michael Chrichton’s book “Next”?
He deals with the subject in interesting ways.
As an aside, I’m currently re-reading ‘The Emperor’s New Mind’ by Roger Penrose.
Well worth getting hold of a copy if you haven’t already.
The future does look bleak. You don’t need to believe in God to see that evil stalks this world. Inside every person’s mind lurk dark thoughts, the Bible teaches us to resist those temptations. What a pity that we’ve rejected sound teachings, look at the debauchery around us. I almost despair to think what further evils these Devil worshippers will come up with next.
I could carry on but my battery has almost given up.
While you pose an interesting scenario (Robin Cook offered a variation on this
in his book Coma) it’s not likely. Not that the uber rich and powerful are above such predation. Many of them view average people as no different than slaves or cattle. But transplantation is RISKY with the major risk after surgery being rejection by the bodies immune system. We are not far from being able to grow organs from a person’s cells and create the needed body part…..one with NO risk of autoimmune rejection. So while your scenario is plausible it is probably not something we need worry about. There are plenty of other evil schemes against freedom to fret over.
As the DNA record becomes more complete and compatible persons can be identified, wouldn’t the risk of transplant rejection drop considerably?
However, surely the development you are suggesting would be a welcome change from the current practice. It is not cannibalization at all, but a new way to achieve restoration, much as a healthy liver now does on its own.
There is nothing monstrous about this solution you offer and I surely hope it is the avenue taken. Thank you for that contribution Dan.
But of course there is still the growing acceptance that there is nothing sacred about human life. It is difficult to see that view as unacceptable in a world that shuns the notion that God exists. And to rise in the halls of power, there sure seems to be a religious test of sorts that filters out anyone who still holds with the old notion.
The offshoots from that growing trend sure does not bode well for individuals out of power, does it? See the commentary on this thread between Andy and Victor.
Even transplantation between siblings who share much more DNA than strangers has significant risks for autoimmune rejection. Barring a MASSIVE discovery in immune system control transplantation between anyone but identical twins will always be risky. Cloning/farming of genetically correct organs solves so many problems. But it won’t be cheap and it will not be available to the mundanes of society for a long time…..if ever.
I do not doubt any of it Pascal… which itself says a lot of what I think of the world.
I few years ago – maybe four or five years ago, it came to light in Mexico that organs were being taken from children – kidnapped children and orphans and street kids by gangs to be sold in the states. There is a cartel known as the Templars that was one gang involved – they are (or were known to be) former military and police that worked as mercs. Also many street gangs will just randomly grab a kid and run.
In Mexico there is also a lot of cults and wichcraft sects that involve human sacrifice and the use of body parts in their rituals and many of these missing children and their donated organs are used here as well… sounds insane, I know… a sick movie plot, but it does happen. In the United States, thousands of children vanish each year that are never found – what do you think happens to them?
It’s a sick world and those that run the world (middle management) are the sickest ones out there.
But here is the craziest part – and it is just my belief – a deep gut feeling ( from my heart and my soul) that those at the very top of the pyramid have their own private harvesting farms for their medical needs, their sick barbaric rituals and deviant degenerate perversions and they do not need to grab a child from the streets, they just pick ’em out of their cages.
These men that run the world – they know there is a God, Their job is to make everyone believe that there isn’t.
I know this makes me come off like some crazed “conspiracy theorist” but I have seen some crazy shit in my life and I have heard some outrageous stories from people you would not expect to here outrageous stories from… but there it is.
You may be wrong, I hope that you are wrong but I fear you could be right. These people are so far removed from us that just about anything is possible. There’s this Belgian paedophile thing, which has gone quiet recently, that got my attention. So many odd incidents here and there point to something satanic going on.
I do hope that I am wrong about the private “farms”… but my mind goes to dark places.
Fact: there are deep underground military bases.
Fact: average citizens do not know what is going on or is not going on down there… but when the shit hits the fan there is no bus driving up to your door to take you to one of them. But we’ve all heard or read stories of what might be down there – but again, we don’t know the truth what is down there – a cloning farm, a human farm, do they keep test tubes filled with DNA to create a slave labor for after some world changing disaster.
Every one who has a ticket to get in has their pre-determined bunker to go to in an emergency – you can’t just show up to any one – soldiers, government, and persons of importance have a designated location and any one who does not have their ticket when the alarms go off get thrown out or shot… even if you have a ticket but happen to be in the wrong bunker at the wrong time – tuff shit, get out… but what is down there I do wonder in those dark places in my mind
“So many odd incidents here and there point to something satanic going on…” – truly.
As another aside, this video was silenced for 32 months. It was BPS’ 3rd video.
I may be banned from view even on this platform in both NZ and Oz. Let me know if Crusaders can see it.
This is where it’s all headed-
This is what we are seeing,what we haven’t been shown yet will be more advanced.
Now imagine if we are one day able to transfer our brains or our conciousness into one?
“I have no mouth and I must Scream” Harlan Ellison
There is reason for concern, but so many regular people have been helped with organ donations that I’d hate to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
There exists a dilemma here Ed.
Add a drop of pure water into a cup of sewage and you still have sewage.
Add a drop of sewage into a cup of pure water and you create sewage.
Dan above provided us some informative responses. There are still quite of few medical dangers involved with organ transplants besides the ethical and tyrannical ones I’ve brought up.
It appears that organ rejection is still very frequent even with good DNA matches, and that is not so frequently mentioned as are the life extensions people are seduced into seeking. Doesn’t that suggest that those who seek to gain a few more years may themselves be guinea pigs? Yes it is at least willingly. Of course their doctors could be wrong or lying to them. Perhaps some of the the smarter will sense that, but maybe not. Much depends on the pain they are in and the other obligations or desires in their lives they’d like to finish or aim for. Certainly they have been convinced by the best that their chances and hopes will be cut off if they don’t elect the procedure.
However the sources and conduits of the “donations” are still ripe for corruption by bribery or threat, aren’t they?
St Peter: “Hi Pascal. It says here you bought a few more years by getting a heart transplant.”
Pascal: “Yep, I did. But it was a PITA given how many drugs I had to take to stave off rejection. I’m not sure it was worth it.”
St Peter: “Did you thoroughly vet where your new heart came from?”
Pascal: “It came with a case history and had all the check marks authenticating its legitimacy.”
St Peter: “Oh, you were told it was kosher, eh?”
Pascal:”Yep. From the highest authorities.”
St Peter: “Plural? You understand there is only One.
You know, you’re right. It wasn’t worth it.”
See Mark 8:36