Open House 8/24/18

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86 Responses to Open House 8/24/18

  1. Darin says:

    BPS: Hungary Mansplains gender studies into oblivion-

    Victor Orban rocks!

  2. Pascal says:

    And now for the lighter side.

  3. Darin says:

    Steam bending heavy wagon wheel fellows-

  4. Darin says:

    Tucker responds to the backlash after his South Africa report-

  5. KG says:

    The NZ justice system is broken, and getting worse:
    ‘A Dunedin woman punched her first victim in the face repeatedly, and stomped on her second victim’s head three times – all because they crossed the road too slowly.
    Helen Luafitu, 22, later said: “I’m an angry person but not a violent person”.
    …..The victim sustained four cracked ribs, internal bleeding and bruising to her lungs. She was missing hair from behind her left ear, the court heard, and suffered a fractured right cheekbone, broken teeth and excruciating headaches for days after the attack.
    ….Luafitu was sentenced to nine months’ home detention and 200 hours’ community work and ordered to pay sums of $750 and $500 to her victims.

    Wabbit wonders how the “judge” would feel if he beat the living shit out of him and then handed him $500 as compensation for his broken nose, teeth and kneecaps, with no further penalty?
    Cases such as this are the signs of a very sick society.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    He? says ‘woman’ in the article but the pic in the article looks mere like a gorilla.

  7. Darin says:

    I’m getting a few of these done up in full size plastic signs :mrgreen:

  8. Darin says:

    Hahahahaha…idiots at work!

    “What the Democratic National Committee this week thought was an attempted hack of its valuable voter file turned out to be a security test…”

    Stupid is as stupid does

  9. Darin says:

    Not too far from reality-

    “MUNCIE, IN—In a mathematics lesson delivered to her kindergarten class Tuesday, local teacher and closed-minded bigot Becky Delatorre reportedly insisted that two plus two equals four, all the time, to the exclusion of all other numbers, no matter how anyone feels about it.

    After horrified students reported the incident to their parents, the school district had no choice but to take action, and has suspended the teacher without pay until the incident has been investigated more thoroughly.

    “We are a place that values all opinions, feelings, and expressions,” the superintendent said in a statement Tuesday. “There is no room for intolerance of any kind in our schools.”

  10. KG says:

    NZ “one of the least corrupt countries”?????
    It also has one of the highest per-capita road tolls in the world………

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Having been required to drive on NZ roads for over 30 years, I sometimes wonder how so many can be so ignorant of the rules of the road.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      And I’m betting their definition of gender has expanded since the original drafting of the EPA.

  11. Darin says:

    Installing new Oak frames-Tally Ho-

    New Keel,new Frames and probably new Planking….at what point is it really a new boat?:lol:

    • Pascal says:

      What the SSM won’t tell us.

      Particularly galling was his treatment of POW/MIA families at Congressional hearings. He was afraid of something, and it takes no brilliance to surmise what.

    • Grog says:

      Not to over shadow Pascal’s link, but this is another excellent overview, and both of the videos are dammning.

      • Pascal says:

        I don’t mind at all. It is far better to have a smoking gun of traitorous behavior rather than the mere evidence of behaving like someone trying to cover his tracks by doing his utmost to prevent the return of POWs who might provide first hand accounts.

        • Grog says:

          Pascal, not to appear vaccilating, but here’s a comment that is presented as a first person witness, from haze gray.

          I take that at face value, acknowledging that it could be a supporter of his, but it won’t discount the information in your previous link, for me, because of the known history of him. So, he’s gone, and for me that’s the rest of the story.

          • Darin says:

            I’m no fan of McCain,but the story about the fire onboard the Forrestal being his fault is infact completely false.My father knew some of the men who died,the entire incident was a perfect storm of poor planning,bad judgement and shear random bad luck.
            There was no “wet start” and even if there had been it wouldn’t have mattered because McCain’s jet like the other 11 A4’s had their exhausts directed off the flight deck.
            The electrical spike in the Zuni fire control system was a known issue prior to the disaster and in hind sight the decision to have outdatted Korean war era ordinance onboard was a bad one.
            Everyone on the Forrestal acted heroically that day,even McCain.I wish this false story had been snipped in the bud early on,because all it really does is dishonor the memories of the 136 men that died that day.


  12. KG says:

    Interesting comments under this shameless pro-China puff piece.
    No wonder “comments under this article are now closed”.

    • Darin says:

      Not ALL Chinese are rich,but 99% of those living abroad in western countries are. They have a lot of cash laying about and don’t want to invest it in China which should be a warning to those people here who are investing in Chinese companies.

  13. Michael in Nelson says:

    Can someone here please tell me how some comic strip writer can get the information and connect the dots better then the big media or (apparently) the DoJ or any branch of law enforcement?

    • Pascal says:

      Here’s how:

      1. Possess a little intelligence, talent and some drive
      2. Not be perceived as a real threat to operations so that he must be bought off, threatened or killed.
      3. Provide a means to pass along what has transpired that allows the miscreants to gloat at how much they’ve made fools of the majority. (A form of braggadocio that would be dangerous if those fooled weren’t castrated and disarmed).
  14. KG says:

    Oz politics. Scroll down to the Jack Richards comment, and there you have the truth!

  15. Darin says:

    79’Ferd estate sale old start-Zip ties and bias plys

    Odd,at one time I have done everything in this video :shock: :mrgreen:

  16. KG says:

    NZ Herald..they’ve hit rock bottom and still digging.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I don’t see any mention of the way McCain treated the POW/MIA families. Now there was deplorable behaviour!

  17. Pascal says:

    Wretchard T. Cat on FB less than hour ago. 10 likes in that short span is relatively huge. I just stumbled upon it, and liked the idea so well I thought I’d share it, get your reactions.

    The long march through the institutions has culminated in the populist rebellion, breaking out not just in one place but globally. When you sum up the totality of cultural warfare and revolution now raging throughout the world it’s clear we are watching an event bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. It doesn’t have a name yet, but it will.

    • Darin says:

      The rebirth of Liberty.

      • Fred says:

        And denying that communism has been on the march since before anybody alive today was born is the kind of ignorance that will get you bulldozed into a trench.

      • Pascal says:

        I wish I could be so sure of that Darin.

        The American Experiment in rule by and for the people was able to get a jump start because the tyranny was headquartered across a wide sea months away with its only solid beachhead in New York.

        The aristocratic types over here always wanted to consolidate rule for themselves. They’ve used their money to buy up the major communication streams (as did Lenin), use that to promote lying demagoguery while watering down our votes with those foreign to both our ways and tongue wherever vote fraud has proven to be less adequate than it’s been in California.

        Listen to Tchaikovsky’s 6th symphony. There are several rousing major chord passages it in, followed by decrescendo into minor melancholy chords. I fear liberty may try to be reborn as it once did on the east coast of North America (major chords), but the nastier forces are already licking their chops at the prospect of picking off disparate rebel factions one at a time (minor chords). Tchaikovsky committed suicide a few weeks after the debut.

        Pray it won’t be like that.

  18. Gregoryno6 says:

    I should be embarrassed to admit that this gave me a really good laugh.

  19. Gregoryno6 says:

    The Rageaholic says farewell to John McCain in exceptional style.

  20. Yokel says:

    I am completely lost for words.
    Theresa May Announces Support For South African ‘No Compensation’ Land Reform:

    I wonder when the “land reform” is scheduled to start in Britain?

    • Pascal says:

      Oh, I’ve plenty of words, many of them unprintable.

      The masks are completely off our Prog death cultists. Nobody in RSA is going to be better off in the long run, not even the top thugs.

      “Never again” is allegedly a Jewish slogan (because so many of them are stupidly anti-gun I say allegedly), but I’m guessing there are too few in the West who have yet to realize it needs to be their slogan too (Never again permit iron curtain rulers).

      For once the really hard-edged tyranny begins, when it will no longer be obvious only in China, the mid-east and Africa, but globally, the consolidation will make it very difficult to stop.

    • mawm says:

      Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights –

      (1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
      (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

    • Pascal says:

      Scuppered? So much better were it scuttled!

      Surely that would be a suitable outcome from such as this. And it is truly sad that there are many more useful morons willing to try to “do it right this time.” (see what I did there?)

      It’s a pity through us suckers our rulers keep funding these Darwin Winners’ rescue missions.

      You know KG, thoughts like that leave me quite a bit perplexed. While I don’t approve of the Sustainability fanatics’ goals and methods for winnowing human populations, at the same time scuttling that vessel would really be a fitting end given how so many really seek it.

      “Jackass” was reality TV seen not as a warning about accepting dares but as a “can you top this” teaching series.

      • KG says:

        I’d have liked to see it get a MK24 acoustic torpedo dead centre, Pascal.
        Before the fools and liars were transferred ashore.

        • Darin says:

          I’d want an Ohio Class boomer,Mk48 torpedos to take care of the frozen fuckwit tourists,followed by sea shepard and greenpeace.
          Then it would be off to station just off the Virgina coast,pop the missle hatches,spin up a nuke and inform congress there will be term limits one way or the other :twisted:

  21. KG says:

    The latest Woodpile Report us up:
    ‘In case it needs to be said, this is from David Catron at Spectator
     The primary target isn’t really the President. Mueller and his apologists know Trump is the voice of a nationwide rebellion against their authority, and realize that the threat can’t be neutralized until he is silenced. The end game is to crush what they see as a peasant’s revolt. Mueller’s function is to provide a legal pretext for removing the President from office.’

  22. Darin says:

    Jeffrey Toobin:”Antifa widely percieved as an African American organization” WTF? :shock:

    Well it is CNN afterall :roll:

    • Darin says:

      Which begs the question,was it ever about winning?Or just insuring Obama won and Palin’s career was ended early?

  23. Gregoryno6 says:

    ‘Given House Democrats’ and Democratic candidates’ desperation not to mention the impeachment, it seems to behoove Republicans to force them to mention it. The best way to do that, the writer believes, is for Speaker Ryan to announce his intention – in the name of comity and bipartisanship, of course! – to allow House Democrats to make their case to the American people and, to that purpose, schedule a debate and vote on impeaching President Trump.’
    Interesting idea.

  24. Michael in Nelson says:

    Sweet Mother of God! Talk about a head banging stupid move. The University of Illinois has set a new World Record!

    • Pascal says:

      They may use the word ethics, but I know what you think it means is not the same as what they think it means. The University of Illinois is, like most of academia, run by Marxists. QED

      • KG says:

        ‘When no one else will do it a dope will praise himself.
        Keeping true to form, former President Bollocks Insane Onanist lamented the death of Sen. John McCain by eulogising himself. Self love drove him to say,
 “But we shared, for all our differences, a fidelity to something higher – the ideals for which generations of Americans and immigrants alike have fought, marched, and sacrificed. We saw our political battles, even, as a privilege, something noble, an opportunity to serve as stewards of those high ideals at home, and to advance them around the world. We saw this country as a place where anything is possible – and citizenship as our patriotic obligation to ensure it forever remains that way”. ‘

        let us now puke….