Feel any safer?

Let the bubble wrapping begin!

Commie gun ban-

Like most things the left does,this will not work and of course according to Herman Munster’s kid sister,”more to come”will mean a total ban on all firearms.What does a total ban look like?Take New York City’s orginal ban,which leftists everywhere loved-it was a ban on “all projectile weapons or any device capable of launching a projectile” and yes this included slingshots.

Of course the ban did wonders for NYC’s crime rate,it went through the roof once combined with leftist democrat leadership.

Of course crime will increase in NZ after such a ban,it always does.Crimminals get more brazen when they have less fear of being shot and you can bet any thief or rapist that does get shot will get less time in prison than the victim,no excuse me,”crimminal in possession of an illegal weapon”that shot them commiting the act.(Pro-tip,rule 3S is now in effect-Shoot,shovel,shut up)

But what about mass shootings?Won’t you be safe from them?Well yes,but now the dangers will include-bombings,truck attacks,arson,homemade poison gas,well just too many ways to commit evil acts to list here.

So what to do?I propose a change in tactics,do the thing your enemy least expects-push for an all out ban….including law enforcement.

That’s right,dis-arm the cops too,also private security.Why?Because we don’t want those in charge to feel safe or be safe themselves.See gun bans are fine and dandy for officials that go home to gated communities with security details.What is needed here is to strip them of thier safety blanket.If we must bleed,then they must bleed with us.

Our politicians desperately need to be awakened to the fact that they are not our god-kings.They need to be reminded that they are nothing special,they are nothing but sacks of meat and bones and that they too live for a finite time and then return to the dust.

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32 Responses to Feel any safer?

  1. Alan says:

    The left live in fantasy land much like their 63 sexual gender identities or was it 73.

  2. Yokel says:

    “Troubling signs New Zealand shooting is being used to turn my country into Islamic State”


    “What I see unfolding seems so disproportionate to the magnitude of the crime. It seems like I’ve woken up and all of a sudden live in an Islamic State.”

    • KG says:

      Spot on, Yokel. From the link:
      ‘It seems like we’re living in a different world all of a sudden. It seems that showing our great respect for those who were killed has somehow been manipulated into showing affirmation of the Islamic religion.

      New Zealand is now putty in the Islamists’ hands.

      The shooting on Friday was terrible. But what has now unfolded is something else entirely and may just be the beginning of something very terrible for New Zealand.’

      • mawm says:

        Oh, there’ll be a sudden increase in muslim migration into NZ……. along with their extended families”, consents for more mosques, girls (both muslim and Christian) wearing hijabs at Christian schools, and then the big one – a Muslim terrorist attack which will be blamed on ChCh.

        • KG says:

          If there’s going to be a muslim attack, we’d better hope it’s Sunni vs Shia. That way the leftards can’t use it as propaganda.

    • steve says:

      You’re not wrong

  3. KG says:

    It has been widely (and approvingly) reported here that the two major gangs – which consist almost entirely of maori thugs, just like the prison population – are showing “solidarity and support” for muslims and guarding mosques, even. :shock:
    So….the NZ demographic most likely to be involved in firearms robberies, most likely to maim and kill their kids, deeply imvolved in methamphetamine importation, manufacture and supply;
    are now more acceptable to the leftists and their media than ordinary working Kiwis who happen to enjoy shooting sports and free speech.

    • Yokel says:

      KG, the problem with “ordinary working Kiwis” is that you think for yourselves, know right from wrong, and want to live your lives without constant government interference. The other don’t.

  4. KG says:

    ´Progressive´ = the New Nazi

    “This excellent article explains and offers many instances of the alliance between Hitler and Islamists because of their mutual hatred of Jews. It also offers historical context re our current Democrats/Socialists and how when they warn us about Nazis, they are warning us about themselves. Lot of stark, historic information here – worth reading every word. ”

  5. KG says:

    Fahrenheit 451:
    ‘ It is now illegal to own or distribute a document written by the Christchurch terror-accused that “promotes murder and terrorism”. ‘
    Today’s Al-Herald.

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Straight out of the communist textbook. Any writing not approved is ‘pornography’ and/or ‘sedition’. And off to the Gulag you go.

  6. Son of Liberty says:

    Prayers, KG and to all KIWI’s.

  7. KG says:

    Thank you SOL.

  8. Grog says:

    Irish has some good observations regarding the video being quickly banned, although there is more than one reason for that, as we all know.


    • KG says:

      I’m not buying the hoax theory, Grog. Too many people would have to be involved.
      False flag? Possibly, but I doubt that too.

      • Grog says:

        Good point, KG.

        Depending on the scale of the event, anywhere from 7 to 17 people would be on the inside of the info loop. And if these people all agree to lie about the event because they don’t want to go to prison, the only person left is the shooter, who will be discredited. The cops don’t need to be told anything, just let them react.

        If time proves me to be wrong about the info in the link, then I’ll admit it here first.

        • KG says:

          Thanks, Grog. There’s also 50+ families who would need to be expert liars to consider.

  9. D.T. says:

    Were there any witnesses to this shooting ? I mean , surely some people were walking past and heard shots fired inside the mosque . The sudden bannings of any pics , video and manifesto seem very draconian and harsh . Things are happening way too quickly and the sudden islamification of NZ is a def worry and dhimmi Ardern is submitting so easily it seems too surreal . I’ll always ask questions of Govt as they have proven to lie and deceive it’s subjects ( yes in Aust & NZ we are subjects NOT citizens ) as the past century has proven . I’m not wearing the tin foil hat but things just don’t add up with this shooting .

    • KG says:

      D.T. I think that perhaps the scenario was one of several which had already been gamed and the responses were ready to go.
      After all, Ardenthing’s early influencers included hardcore leftists and there’s absolutely nothing new in this goverment’s response to manna from heaven. It’s been played out again and again worldwide.
      (here using the word ‘government’ very loosely when applying it to this illegitimate rabble)

      • Darin says:

        The one thing that bugs me,are the early mentions that the shooter was a “world traveler” and had “gone on holiday in Pakistan”
        I’m not much of a traveler myself,but if I were to go “on holiday” it wouldn’t be to Pakistan.
        I have no doubts that those people are dead and I have no doubts that the guy in the video did the shooting,but I do have doubts about who was he really?

  10. Jon says:

    Any time I see regulation that diminishes my capability to defend myself I am less safe , regardless of how I feel about it.

  11. jon says:

    The reason is , the agencies of government are incapable of directly defending me. They have a better ability to punish the offender but that does not undo what could have been prevented.