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Tipping point, Europe?
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Of course if you have Euros in a Greek Bank account that will potentially become Drachmas it is obvious you move them to a German Bank where they will remain as Euros.
And that the technocrats didn’t see this coming say something in itself – or perhaps they did, it suits their agenda and hastens their takeover of Greece
…and of course the “average joe” has finally cottoned on to the fact that bankers are the scourge of the planet. They pillage the engine of enterprise, the life savings of mums and dads and the future of nations; why would we continue to trust them? If we’ve learned anything in the last 10 years it is simply that banks are the enemy of growth and prosperity and their only concern is their own greed.
Not even in Swiss banks Greek money is save
“Greeks have billions of euros stashed in Swiss bank accounts. A new agreement is under negotiation between the Greek finance ministry and Swiss banks which would allow the banks to tax untaxed assets and remit the funds anonymously to Greece”
Tipping point, Europe?
only Europe?
Tipping point Freedom
Robert, that McCain / Levin bill is truly terrifying (and of course, no mention of them in the MSM). As Dr Deagle says, it makes the Patriot Act look like child’s play.
Gee, who would thought McCain would turn out to be an O-bot?
Ah! An Old Skool run on the banks. Last seen Weimar Germany in the 1920’s and elsewhere in circa 1932.
So. How’s that Monaco EU financial summit of two weeks ago working out for you Masters of Brussels?
Europe: Screaming on the outside, dying on the inside -economically, socially, culturally and politically.