‘Islamic cleric reportedly warns Muslim women to stay away from cucumbers to avoid having ‘sexual thoughts’ source
Perhaps he ought to warn muslim men to stay away from goats and camels while he’s at it..
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Yup. And the children. They like the little ones.
Delusions of grandeur I’d have thought. Maybe an asparagus spear……….
How can anybody take this primitive garbage seriously? More, what kind of idiots buy the pc bullshit that all cultures are equal?
Oh there are a long list of those,I would post it here,but the extra bandwidth would be quite expensive I would think.
Oh and the most useless thing on a Muslim womans body?
A Muslim man.
In this vein, if you haven’t seen it before, here is Mark Steyn’s review of a book by Oriana Fallaci in which he goes off on a riff about some of the advice in Khomeini’s “Blue Book,” a collection of his Fatwahs on all things Iranian Muslims needed to know to navigate through life:
Signora Fallaci then moves on to the livelier examples of contemporary Islam — for example, Ayatollah Khomeini’s “Blue Book” and its helpful advice on romantic matters: “If a man marries a minor who has reached the age of nine and if during the defloration he immediately breaks the hymen, he cannot enjoy her any longer.” I’ll say. I know it always ruins my evening. Also: “A man who has had sexual relations with an animal, such as a sheep, may not eat its meat. He would commit sin.” Indeed. A quiet cigarette afterwards as you listen to your favourite Johnny Mathis LP and then a promise to call her next week and swing by the pasture is by far the best way. It may also be a sin to roast your nine-year-old wife, but the Ayatollah’s not clear on that.
. . . I enjoy the don’t-eat-your-sexual-partner stuff as much as the next infidel, but the challenge presented by Islam is not that the cities of the Western world will be filling up with sheep-shaggers. If I had to choose, I’d rather Mohammed Atta was downriver in Egypt hitting on the livestock than flying through the windows of Manhattan skyscrapers. But he’s not.
. . . the easiest way to get a flavor of the Ayatollah’s book is simply to sample the contents pages:
1&2. Urine and stool
3. Semen
4. Corpse
5. Blood
6&7. Dog and pig
8. Infidel
9. Wine
10. Beer
11. Sweat of an unlawful ejaculation
12. The sweat of a camel that eats uncleans
Hey, Multiculti Man, that would be you at big hit sound number 8: “Infidel” – right behind “Dog and pig” but, if it’s any consolation, ahead of “Sweat of an unlawful ejaculation”. But hang on: ejaculate-wise, the Ayatollah’s just getting cranked up:
Things that are unlawful for an ejaculator
Things that are loathesome for an ejaculator
The bath of ejaculation…
I confess I was worried that Prof Miller, M J Murphy and Law R Cool might be in breach of the Ayatollah’s “Precepts of Ejaculation” but, after thumbing through them, I can’t find anything in there preventing you from doing it repeatedly all over the Internet.
In other words, anyone who had the most casual acquaintance with the Ayatollah’s writings would be aware not only that it’s not in the least bit surprising but entirely par for the course that the old boy had complex rules re using your embraceable ewe for the Friday night kebab special. . . .
And one wonders why the muslim world is a few bricks short of being a mental asylum?
OTOH one could make a fortune as a counsellor with all their psycho-sexual issues.
Those sad bastards have the sexual sophistication of a randy twelve-year-old (and they’re regarded in Islam as leaders !).