Muslim mass-murder? Nah, mere “workplace violence”.

‘Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday blasted the Defense Department for classifying the Fort Hood massacre as workplace violence and suggested political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation’s Armed Forces at home.
…She criticized the Obama administration for failing to identify the threat as radical Islam…’              source

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2 Responses to Muslim mass-murder? Nah, mere “workplace violence”.

  1. Darin says:

    As the Global warming loons have “Hide the decline” the libs have “hide the crime”this is just the latest example of it.Previous examples have been lib dem inner city mayors hiding the true murder rates by classing Homicides as “death by gun” or “accidental weapons discharge” thereby hiding them from statisticians compiling records via electronic records search.

    So why should we be shocked by an administration who terms the WTO an “overseas contingency plan” when they call mass murder being committed by a Muslim on our own soil “workplace violence”?

  2. WAKE UP says:

    Also, the army is not a “workplace”. A workplace is for civilians, while the army renders the nation secure – a different status entirely.