Wolf Howling has a great post on the subject.
UPDATE: ‘Gingrich: President could send U.S. Marshals to arrest uncooperative judges, if necessary’ source
UPDATE 2 Francis Porretto has a dissenting view
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Thanks for the link and kind words KG
You’re most welcome, GW. I enjoyed that post immensely.
There are times that lot should be called ‘The SCROTUS’
Absolutely. After reading GW’s post on the subject I’m more than ever convinced these tyrants need to be reined in. And soon.
Sorry guys I still do not trust Gingrich,anybody that could do this,can’t be trusted(also gotta be blind not to turn into stone)
Darin-do you ever wonder why Republican voters forget such as in the video-
newt and nancy – sitting on a couch—-
I figure there are about 55,000,ooo folks who vote GOP and about 48,000,000 who vote DNC with about 12,000,000 of those blasted Independents thrown in for good measure.
Of those groups I figure 50,000,000 Repubs 10,000,000 Indies and 8,000,000 Dems are too stressed out to remember anything after working to support the other 252,000,000 people in the country
That’s my theory anyway.
I keep getting–‘Gingrich would be better than bho…’
My answer-“How so…?!!!”
newt has made secret ‘deals’ – flip flopped on many important Constitutional issues-‘earned ‘ LOTS of $$$$ for Fanny and Freddie ( before he opposed them) etc.etc etc.
will posting on the Loooooooong list w/ backup- very soon—
Look forward to the list, Carol I may have to swipe it.
Gingrich is at least a fighter, but I suspect his popularity is down to the lack of a real contender rather than his personal qualities. If he’s the answer, the GOP is in deep trouble.
I think our boy Newt is a socialist progressive that occasionally does something conservative.
I am not as learn-ed as our brother Francis Porretto,but something in my gut that tells me Gingrich is not what he says he is.