Wolf Howling has a great post on the subject.
UPDATE: ‘Gingrich: President could send U.S. Marshals to arrest uncooperative judges, if necessary’       source
UPDATE 2 Francis Porretto has a dissenting view

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10 Responses to SCOTUS

  1. GW says:

    Thanks for the link and kind words KG

  2. Michael in Nelson says:


    There are times that lot should be called ‘The SCROTUS’

    • KG says:

      Absolutely. After reading GW’s post on the subject I’m more than ever convinced these tyrants need to be reined in. And soon.

  3. Darin says:

    Sorry guys I still do not trust Gingrich,anybody that could do this,can’t be trusted(also gotta be blind not to turn into stone)

    • Darin-do you ever wonder why Republican voters forget such as in the video-
      newt and nancy – sitting on a couch—-

      • Darin says:

        I figure there are about 55,000,ooo folks who vote GOP and about 48,000,000 who vote DNC with about 12,000,000 of those blasted Independents :mrgreen: thrown in for good measure.

        Of those groups I figure 50,000,000 Repubs 10,000,000 Indies and 8,000,000 Dems are too stressed out to remember anything after working to support the other 252,000,000 people in the country :shock:

        That’s my theory anyway.

  4. I keep getting–‘Gingrich would be better than bho…’
    My answer-“How so…?!!!”
    newt has made secret ‘deals’ – flip flopped on many important Constitutional issues-‘earned ‘ LOTS of $$$$ for Fanny and Freddie ( before he opposed them) etc.etc etc.
    will posting on the Loooooooong list w/ backup- very soon—

    • KG says:

      Look forward to the list, Carol I may have to swipe it. :lol:
      Gingrich is at least a fighter, but I suspect his popularity is down to the lack of a real contender rather than his personal qualities. If he’s the answer, the GOP is in deep trouble.

      • Darin says:

        I think our boy Newt is a socialist progressive that occasionally does something conservative.
        I am not as learn-ed as our brother Francis Porretto,but something in my gut that tells me Gingrich is not what he says he is.