I am sick and tired…

A guest post by Darin:
Recently I was accused of being a freeloader,why,because I live with my Father.Now understand I have a house of my own, however after my Mother died from cancer my father –  who is 75 and was married to the same woman for 51 years –  became depressed.He had his own health problems arise as well. Since I am the youngest of three sons and the one who lives the closest with the least obligations I decided it best to move in with him.I work on average 40-60 hours a week just down the street, pay my own way and also provide the slack for my Father’s income.
I am not freeloading or leeching off him, yet I was accused of such by a know-it-all/know-nothing lefty. This woman assumes I am like her lazy,leeching offspring but I am not, and told her as much.

See, there is this ages old pact between parent and child in regards to mutual care and support. Our parents give life to us,care for and nurture us until we are able to take care of ourselves. In turn, when they are old we children take care of them and tend to their affairs until they pass on to the next life. This is the way it has been since human beings began. Often times ten generations would go and come in the same house, in the same town as was the way in Europe and the UK, and to a lesser degree here in the US. These people formed families and those families formed the backbone of communities across our land. Even our greatest explorers needed a home to return to. But things changed,it became accepted to leave family behind and become strangers. Without the cohesive family/community structure basic society began to erode.
It depends on who you ask,some will say 16,others 21 and some 25 as the age at which a child can be considered a full fledged adult. I maintain that we never truly mature until the point we realise our parents were right and we don’t have all the answers. Let’s face it,they are older,they have lived more than we and by default know more than we about life in general. In basic terms our parents and grandparents are a wealth of information to draw upon in order to make better decisions in our own lives. As the catch phrase goes-they have been there and done that. By leaving our parents behind we lose our grip on a stable anchor in an ocean of nonsense,lies and perversions. We tend to forget our history,culture and morality,we lose sight of what we are made of. A symptom of this is the gradual acceptance of things outside our norm. Over time families experience a gradual drift apart and away from traditional values and it does them no good.

So today we have reports on a regular basis of nursing home abuse,our elderly being warehoused like farm animals and treated worse. Children being abused or worse. Elderly parents being sent off to homes while the one they worked for is sold off by greedy children or sold off to pay the state their pound of flesh. Society is judged, it’s said by how it treats it’s very young and it’s very old –  I am afraid our societies in the western world are being weighed in the balance and found lacking. I’m not going to warn of God’s judgement,why,because he doesn’t have to do anything. We will bring down vengeance on ourselves by our own actions. We have been warned,but just like stubborn rebellious children we turn our backs on Him. We have forgotten God and family so who fills the void? The government, that’s who and who cares more about grandma than a garden variety bureaucrat right? When we neglect our end of the pact,when parents neglect their end and society doesn’t care who but the state steps in? People see all the inevitable outcomes coming to pass and they cry and demand someone do something like spoiled children and the result is what we see-an ever increasing nanny state that will swallow us whole and enslave us. This could all be by design and I am sure some of it is,but mostly it is the inevitable outcome of our crumbling society. Like ancient Rome we will not meet our ends to some vast army,our society,our culture will end just like Rome did when we no longer defend our borders,mend our roads or tend our crops,when all that has become “someone elses’s job”.

So what of my accuser? I’ve known her and her children for years,she’s never been married,her three kids have three fathers(sperm donors as they aren’t around). The kids have ran wild since they were old enough to walk,not having a male influence or even basic discipline applied they have run amok as is predictable. The two oldest have ran into the law multiple times already and the youngest is driving hard to keep up. To her credit she did get an education between sleeping around and getting knocked up,so she’s not totally dependant on the taxpayer,only about 50%. I could have shortened this description to ‘Obama voters”,but felons aren’t allowed to vote in my state,so the kids are out.
So..she calls me a freeloader,so I inform her of her future. I told her assuming she doesn’t OD on the drug of her choice and assuming she lives to retirement age she had better keep an eye on her kids as they will want her house and whatever money she has,assuming any of them are still alive/out on parole. They will stuff her in a state run old folks home,get power of attorney and liquidate her assets in the blink of an eye and forget her very existence as they drink/drug/otherwise waste what little they get. If they are hungry and she is the only  sandwich, she’s toast.

So I set her straight on at least the truth about me and told her if she didn’t do an immediate course correction those lazy bloated little Ticks she calls children will bleed her dry and cast her off in the Potter’s field without a thought or a tear. And furthermore before she calls me a freeloader again she had better scrape that Obama bumper sticker off her bottom end and send her ADC checks back. A good portion of my earnings goes to support her kind and I have had enough of it.
So no, I tell her,don’t confuse me with the bulk of lazy,spoiled rotten leech children in this world. I am not one of them,I refuse to be one of them because I am better than them and I am sick and tired of being painted with the same stupid brush! Like the Roman soldiers of long ago while I and others like me are off defending our borders,mending our roads and tending our crops this wench and others like her will be dancing to the fiddle –  while what we have built burns.

Please forgive my rambling and rant,it’s been a long day and I am tired,gotta go to the rock pile again tomorrow,people on welfare are depending on me..

Darin aka “freeloader”

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10 Responses to I am sick and tired…

  1. Darin says:

    Thanks KG that feels much better :smile:

    • Robertvdl says:

      Thanks Darin sharing this .In this mad world we are living in, being ‘nice’ most of the time,regrettably, is the wrong thing to be. The problem we have is that we are nice persons which makes most others think we are weak and submissive. We are no trouble makers but DON’T TREAD ON US. This last part, most of the time, they understand to late.

    • KG says:

      You’re very welcome–it needed saying.

  2. Katie says:

    Darin you are a dying breed. A son who cares. My dear friend was in your situation 20 years ago. He even gave up a good paying job to care for his ill father. His father had Alzheimer’s and as the oldest he took on the responsibility for him. He lived and cared for his dad until it was clear that the old man needed full-time medical care.

    He too was called a free-loader, etc…

    I call him what I call you: A Loving Son!

  3. Pascal says:

    Good for you Darin. You provided that woman a great service. Chances are it all went in one ear and out the other, but nobody can say you didn’t provide her fair warning.

  4. Pingback: I am sick and tired… | Cranky Old Crow

  5. ZenTiger says:

    Great post, with some eternal truths stated well. Hang in there!

  6. Kris K says:

    Yes, well said Darin.
    Isn’t it strange that in these times good is called evil, right is called wrong [*Is 5:20], and in many cases those closest to us are our most bitter enemies [#Mt 10:36]. Actually, thinking about it, maybe it isn’t strange at all …

    And like you said, when society cares least for its most vulnerable members – the very young and the very old – God will not need to step in and judge us; we will reap the whirl-wind of our own making. Which, of course, is exactly what is happening in the post-Christian West as we have turned our backs on the Judeo-Christian God and shunned solid and biblically founded principles surrounding family and morality.

    *Isa 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

    #Mat 10:36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.

  7. Very moving and truth-filled post-Darin–
    Thank you–

  8. Darin says:

    Thanks all for the support,it’s a sad state of affairs when what was normal is now treated as abnormal,but on marches”progress”.
    Oh well if believing in God,right and wrong,doing the right thing and honoring my parents makes me a Dinosaur so be it :grin: