The trough:

‘Olympic VIPs will be whisked around London in 4,000 BMWs..’
while below we have a post:
‘..Employees will have to work 208 days next year until they have paid their share of government spending and regulation..’
Pitchforks and torches time….no, scrub that. Insurrection time.
It can’t possibly be argued that this is the “free market” or “capitalism” in action. This is blatant theft by a ruling elite,  for which the cure is the guillotine or the rope.

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15 Responses to The trough:

  1. KG says:

    These bastards won’t just be “whisked around London”–they’ll be driven in lanes set aside for them, so the mere peasants don’t delay their stately progress…..

  2. Pingback: The trough | Cranky Old Crow

  3. oswald bastable says:

    Nor will the ‘VIP’s’ have to suffer the delays, checkpoints and ‘Papers please’ that the peasantry that live there will have to endure.

    • KG says:

      Of course not. Does anybody seriously believe the ballot box is going to fix this, when the peasants are content to be distracted with bread and circuses and they’re kept too uninformed to see what’s happening?

    • Kris K says:

      Now if I was an enterprising young Islamist from an ’emerging’ nation and was hoping to make a big impact at the London Olympics …

  4. KG says:

    Jeez…and take a look at this. The “reporter”, one Lois Cairns, has practically recycled a Greens press release.
    No wonder people are bloody uninformed.

  5. KG says:

    This is too good to miss. For some really acid commentary on Australia’s artistic “elite”, Professor Bunyip is unbeatable. And the commenters aren’t far behind.
    “..squabbling like wogs after a two-Valiant prang” may be the best line I’ve read all year. :mrgreen:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      That’s the best chuckle I’ve had in a long time. Thanks, KG. I’ve long admired the Professor’s comments at Bolt’s place and others, but I think that post is just wonderful.

  6. KG says:

    I’m still grinning, Gantt. That kind of biting wit is almost a lost art.