‘Dont’ take care this New Year
..Risk is fuel for the optimistic. For the pessimistic and the timid risk prohibitions are the precautionary cords with which you bind your optimistic neighbours, revenge for their sunny boldness having made you look meagre.  Risk aversion is the tool of womens’ revenge against the scary experimentation of men…’
Stephen Franks

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9 Responses to YES!

  1. ZenTiger says:

    I liked his post too.

    You might like Lindsay’s on “Stupidity” if you haven’t read it already.

    • KG says:

      Thanks Zen, I’ll go take a look. SF’s post was a refreshing change from the Nanny messages. :smile:

  2. Lucia Maria says:

    Women’s revenge??? Where on earth did that come from?

    • KG says:

      :lol: Perhaps from the fact that the drive for an impossible goal of perfect safety and security is seen as a feminine thing, Lucia Maria?

    • ZenTiger says:

      “Risk aversion is a tool of women’s revenge”

      Implies that women are the cause of all the heaps of regulations and government control over every facet of our lives, using the excuse of “for the benefit of the people”. I think it is a handy stereotype the cultural marxists use to misdirect the backlash to the wrong group.

      Statism, bureaucracy and political correctness from the “nanny-state” (even the labels are anti-women) are the outcomes of a push from misguided lefties (both men and women) to take away personal freedom and individual deciosn making.

    • Kris K says:

      I think Franks is spot on – Men are risk takers, women are not.

      How many Formula One drivers or Jet Fighter pilots are women, Lucia?

      It is no coincidence, for instance, that as the education system has been taken over by the feminst/lesbian cabal that activities such as tree climbing and bullrush have gone by the by; along with many other forms of boyish rough-and-tumble activities which are also frowned upon.

  3. KG says:

    “I think it is a handy stereotype the cultural marxists use to misdirect the backlash to the wrong group.”
    There’s a lot of truth in that, Zen but the fact remains that women will both tolerate and promote a much higher – and more intrusive – level of regulation in the name of safety and security than men will. The fact that there are now plenty of men willing to do the same thing is no more than a testament to the success the feminazis have had in demonising and suppressing masculine traits.
    The “men” who are often used in this argument to let women off the hook are no more than metrosexual fellow-travellers who recognise a direction and climb aboard, whether out of cowardice or opportunism or a simple lack of testosterone is anybody’s guess…

  4. Kris K says:

    I wear the pants in our family … whenever the wife lets me :roll:

  5. KG says:

    I can see the peck-marks from here.. :lol: