Leave it alone, you despicable scumbags!

Veteran fury at move to ‘brand’ Anzac Day
ANZAC Day, arguably one of Australia’s most sacred days, is in danger of being “branded” by the Federal Government…’
Take your “focus groups” and marketing gurus and shove them up your asses. Anzac day speaks for itself and we all know perfectly well what it’s about. We don’t need an illegitimate communist/Greens coalition to tell us, or to mess in any way whatsoever with it.

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21 Responses to Leave it alone, you despicable scumbags!

  1. Kris K says:

    Yeah, absolutely disgusting, KG – clearly nothing is sacred. Especially when you realise that most of these communists probably would have been completely against defending their country at that time, just as they are now.
    Maybe that’s their motive: to subtly undermine the notion of defending one’s country along with the whole idea of the sovereign nation state.

    PS Next they’ll be wanting to brand Christmas and Easter … [oh wait].

  2. Darin says:

    Duty,courage,honor,sacrifice-four things that don’t need branding.

  3. KG says:

    The media has already worked hard to turn this into some sort of syrupy “family day”. lauding the participation of children and publishing cutesy pics of toddlers with flags…and Australian and NZ young people party up large at Anzac Cove, getting drunk and leaving the place strewn with rubbish.
    Reverence and respect are all but dead–let’s all use the day as some kind of mass grief-therapy/holiday.

  4. dondiego says:

    Comments under the article were telling. From that, and Cronella (spellcheck)- the Aussies still have the guts to tell ’em where to get off.

    • KG says:

      True, DonD but that’s just the peasants talking–the lefty PC/bureaucrat machine rolls on regardless.

  5. WAKE UP says:

    What do you expect when you have a female Prime Minister who wouldn’t have a clue what Anzac Day means?

  6. Pingback: Leave it alone, you despicable scumbags! | Cranky Old Crow

  7. oswald bastable says:


    Yes, I believe that would do them some good.

    ‘Fuckwit’ right in the middle of the forehead…

  8. Flashman says:

    “Branding” tax and rate payer funded bureaucrats is not the same thing as it is widely understood to be in commerce and industry. For a shiny-arsed bureaucrat, branding means:
    1. A logo – suitably trendy and multiculturally inclusive – a rainbow koru around a stylised WW1 lemon-squeezer hat for example.
    2. A tag or strap line – again, a short string of banal words suited to a child’s attention span – for example, “Kiwi-as anzacs”.
    3. An “integrative theme” – an equally pedestrian and saccharine expression of “family celebration and inclusiveness” comes instantly to mind.
    4. Containerloads of “educational material” – wall posters, classroom dress-up, city council office wall coverings, pamphlets, over-blown website, “activity” learning bumf, etc. Bureaucrats *love* this like crack whores adore their next fix – this is where the big dosh gets spent and provides them with weeks and weeks of meetings, rubbing shoulders with ad agencies and so on. At the same time the Wellington beltway insiders in the publicity, advertising, market research, web development, graphic designers etc. sectors flock to the honey-pot. We’re talking tens of millions up for grabs here. Think feeding frenzy and new budget allocations.
    5. Merchandising material – made in red china tat for below-the-line promotion. T-shirts, rubber fingers, balloons, bunting to hang off street lamps, fridge magnets, stickers etc. Again – this attracts all the usual suck-harder suspects like a cow shed in a heat wave.
    6. The piece d’resistance! The “national television advertising campaign” – produced on a bottomless budget basis this is the Krystal Skull Quest that a super-committee of inner-circlers will die to be part of. There will be ministerial involvement and careers to be made in the process. Think Andy Knackless on industrial steroids. Pasty grey bureaucrats in Hallensteins suits get to play footies with Saatchi & Saatchi – but without any expectation of achieving any sales results. Magic!

    Just whisper “branding” to a bureaucrat and watch the crotch twitch or the nipples harden.

    You have been warned.

  9. KG says:

    :lol: :lol: Brilliant! A great explanation, Flashman. Methinks you must have has some dealings with The Beast….

    Man, I hate this institutionalised, legalised theft with a passion–every senior bureaucrat sacked must save their salaryx10 of taxpayer’s money,at least.

  10. Octagongrappler says:
  11. MK says:

    They probably want to put a gay angle to it, gives ol’ bobby from tassie a reason to bring out the frilly frock for the parade. :lol:

  12. The Gantt Guy says:

    In this context, I just read this essay about sheep, wolves and sheepdogs. I suspect our political elite are mocking the sheepdogs. In fact, continuing the metaphor, it appears as though our political elite have de-fanged (or are trying to) the sheepdogs and have opened the paddock gate to the wolves.

    • KG says:

      Great essay, isn’t it? And I believe you’re right about de-fanging the sheepdogs…

    • Kris K says:

      Excellent essay, Gantt – just finished listening to it [have a text to audio converter].

      Perhaps our friends over at NZC should take the advice on board and refuse to pander to those “wolf” commenters [which would last all of 5 seconds on either CR or TBNZ, or at my place for that matter].

      But in a general sense recognising the difference between the sheep, wolves and sheepdogs is something we all need to take heed of – the sheep deserve our protection, and the wolves ONLY our contempt.

      “Woof, woof”, my fellow warrior sheepdogs – take pleasure in your righteous work :mrgreen: