A stake through the heart of the Brown/Gillard carbon tax:

Man, the endlessly inventive, adaptable animal does it again:
‘Simple, Low-Cost Carbon Filter Removes 90 Percent Of Carbon Dioxide From Smokestack Gases’
And again

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7 Responses to A stake through the heart of the Brown/Gillard carbon tax:

  1. Elijah says:

    What concerns me is that these filters will become mandatory.

  2. Andrei says:

    That’s an I’ll believe it when I see it proposition.

    In fact there is no need to worry about CO2 in the atmosphere. If there was none we’d all soon be dead.

    How the elites managed to convince anybody that a natural and essential component of the atmosphere is a threat is a mystery beyond all understanding.

    • KG says:

      “In fact there is no need to worry about CO2 in the atmosphere. If there was none we’d all soon be dead.”
      Quite so. The point, though is that these filters when fitted remove the excuse to impose a carbon tax.

  3. Moist von Lipwig says:

    No No…It’s working..It’s working..
    The carbon tax is working I say :lol:


    • KG says:

      That was quick….it’s only a few months ago that Danish research pointing out the role of water vapout (clouds) was being dismissed by warmy “scientists”. Hell, their computer models didn’t even factor it in! :lol: :lol:

  4. oswald bastable says:

    They would STILL be crying into their muesli over the other 10% :evil:

  5. Paul Marsden says:

    In fact, the oceans produce more CO2 than anything else on planet earth. I’d like to see any legislation that would stop that.