Col. B. Bunny tells it like it is:

‘…Let’s cut out the “rainbow pony” garbage and talk about what’s real: black hostility to the essence of America – political and economic freedom – and to other races. Not all, but a whole lot of blacks. Those black teenagers sprang out of an authentic, real, no-holds-barred black culture. They are the face of the civilization-killing “black undertow.” ‘
Not the same sheet of music.

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9 Responses to Col. B. Bunny tells it like it is:

  1. Redbaiter says:

    Great link.


  2. KG says:

    I always enjoy his posts over at Eternity Road. He doesn’t say much, but what he does say is worth listening to. :smile:

  3. Kris K says:

    Yes, an astute observation – and dovetails quite well with the post I put up the other day:

    Structural Inequality? New Study Claims Black People in Detroit Can’t Sustain Infrastructure Left Behind by White Flight

    Which stimulated some good discussion on what it, too, described as the “Black Undertow”.

    Col Bunny’s first quote –

    “How widely known is it that black feelings towards socialism mirror white feelings towards capitalism, and that a majority of blacks both react positively to the idea of socialism and react negatively to the idea of capitalism?”

    – really is food for thought.

  4. Col. Bunny says:

    Thanks for the play for my post, Keith, and to all of you for your kind words.

    I was willing to see some bending over backward after the ’60s to see blacks in the U.S. get a leg up. It hardly seemed unfair. Events over the years revealed bits and pieces of the black subculture that were disturbing but it was still possible to see it part of an overreaction within a grant of full equality after repression. Think Huey Newton and black interest in things African. Not all good but understandable.

    At a certain point the accumulation of stories of crime, academic failure, illegitimacy, and white cowardice in the face of legal extortion and black abuse (Sharpton and his “white interlopers” during the Crown Heights riots) reaches a critical mass. For me the precipitating event was the ever-greasy Jeremiah Wright with his ties to Farrakhan and our boy president and the media’s indifference to what coiled and writhed under that rock. James Cone’s black liberation “theology” and Wright’s church being the jewel in the crown of all black churches to Cone rounded out the picture.

    Each person travels a different route to their epiphany on race but after a while a reasonably aware person has to conclude that blacks are heavily invested in rejectionism. Not that they have anything of any value with which to replace the hated white culture, but hate it they do. I take the results of the survey mentioned in my piece and the datum that 95+%, is it, of blacks are in the bag for the Democrat Party and its progressive vision for a socialist, non-white America as a kuh-LOO that the hand extended to the black man and the resources devoted to the amelioration of his lot (reparations by whatever name you wish to call it) had availed us nothing.

    Black and white cultures are, as presently constituted (even white culture in its presently debased and degraded form), utterly incompatible and only a firm separation from blacks and third-world cultures will enable whites to live in anything resembling a civilized society.

    I am mindful of many admirable blacks whom I’ve met in my life, some superior to me in intellect and character without any doubt. However, whites simply can no longer be asked to act as though all blacks have risen that high and embraced the wonder of America as founded and built by whites. Or want to.

    Paul Kersey at SBPDL endeavors to show, it makes a difference where you live. In America today, if you find yourself in a black area at 1:00 AM you are in mortal danger. In a white area, completely safe. If an area turns majority black, it turns into a slum, a living hell of crime and other pathology.

    Similarly, if you are in a white-majority school, you will learn something. Black majority, nothing — assuming that you don’t get beaten up or knifed in the process.

    These facts intrude more and more in our consciousness and they are undeniable. The decent, accomplished blacks simply are not representative and, anyway, they are in the bag for democratic socialism and will do the Colin Powell and support the execrable Democrat Party. No matter what.

    Even modern American white people cannot fail to notice the avalanche of data that accumulates on the hour. Absent a supernova of an intellectual transformation on the part of blacks, intelligent people can only conclude that multi-ethnic societies are unsustainable and if they continue it is only at the cost of segregated areas, constant and enduring tension, mutual suspicion, and inevitable bouts of communal violence (e.g., India).

    I met a most pleasant black man in Africa during a recent visit there. A Christian in a Muslim land, let it be said. “The problems of Africa,” he said, “are right under our feet.” I am greatly saddened by the knowledge that such decent folks will be swept under the tidal wave of black pathology there and here. But they will. Scum rule Zimbabwe not men like this.

    No longer can whites have nonsense like the “legacy of slavery,” “structural racism,” and overt and covert racism be put forward as the default explanation. It’s clear — as never before — that the default explanation is colored primitivism (cliterodectomies), obscurantism, superstition (witch burnings and penis amulets anyone?), parasitism, and hatred. Now it is for the blacks, Maoris, and Muslims to prove that they are not infested with and crippled by either of these.

    Kersey frequently makes the point that whites can no longer create their whitopias and feel secure because sooner or later they are going to run up against whites fleeing the black undertow coming from another direction. Even disingenous white liberals are going to find their cars stolen from their driveways, their windows smashed in, and their persons violated. Hitherto, delusion on the issue of race has been expensive but not something dangerous to the deluded. Soon it will no longer be possible to delude oneself and be safe in one’s home or the streets.

    It has come to this and anyone who sayeth nay on the essentials is a liar.

    • KG says:

      What a very fine comment! With your permission, Col. I’d like to save that and put it up as a post sometime soon.

      • Col. Bunny says:

        Be my guest. I’d be honored.

        I don’t accept payment in Euros, though. Maybe not dollars either, come to think of it.

        OK. :idea: Send gold bullion. Mark as “tractor parts, used” for purposes of customs declaration.

        • KG says:

          The old “tractor parts, used” trick, eh….that’s how we get our rocket launchers and ICBM’s through customs. Works every time.

  5. KG says:

    You’ll run out pretty quick, you know how it is once you’re on a roll… I trust the follow-up order is already in the pipeline?