‘Punching Down

‘…By suppressing Fjordman, and Elisabeth, and Geert, and Tommy — by denying decent, honorable, law-abiding people the right to preserve themselves, their families, and their way of life — the Powers That Be have cleared the deck for the emergence of forces that are much darker, much more ruthless, and far beyond their ability to control.

Something wicked this way comes…..’
Gates of Vienna

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5 Responses to ‘Punching Down

  1. Pascal says:

    When I linked to this in a late comment to you a couple days ago I was sure you’d like it, but I wasn’t sure you saw it.

    “The ad-hominoids sent by the state media to do battle with Fjordman were no match for his erudition and expert analysis, so Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg himself was dispatched to denounce the young upstart in a speech to the nation.”

    The “elites’” false sense of superiority is cracking. There’s hope for the world KG.

    • Kris K says:

      Yeah, thanks Pascal – I read it after you provided the link a few days back. We can only expect to see the state increasingly oppress those who vocalise their views in opposition.

      And your above quote, KG, really jumped out at me too upon reading the article. Take away people’s rights to free speech and in reality you only leave them with ONE option …

  2. KG says:

    Fingers crossed, mate. :smile: I’m about to put up a post about book which may interest you, if you haven’t already read it.

    • Pascal says:

      I have a hardcopy on my shelf, but I don’t recall having read much of it. I had bought it expecting to use it as a research source, but never followed up.

      I look forward to you completing your review.

  3. KG says:

    I’m hopeless at reviewing books. :roll: