Redbaiter, on despicable leftist trolls:

 ‘…These are the people who have in their ignorance over the last few decades, given the left the beach head they needed to expand their death grip on our society. To white ant it and rot it and hollow it out from the inside. Too thick to ever understand concepts such as Cultural Marxism, (they’re deeply influenced by this themselves) and how the left have used that strategy so successfully, they’re beyond reason. They just have to be ignored and worked around and marginalized from the debate.
Giving them any kind of credence as serious commenters is just pandering to the narcissism that is really at the root of their problems.
They’re nothing. They have nothing to offer. They have betrayed us to the left. They are a negative we just have to exclude from our focus. Time wasters, and we have so very little time to waste. Far more productive to engage with those who have the intelligence to be persuaded…’   Here

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7 Responses to Redbaiter, on despicable leftist trolls:

  1. Octagongrappler says:

    Is Paul Spoonley one of these people hehe.

    Seriously, This guy is the most dangerous commentator in NZ, And very few people even pay any attention to his work or even take him to task?

    Maybe you could have the best of Paul Spoonley on here KG…PUKE :mrgreen:

  2. Redbaiter says:

    Thanks for the link Tiger.

  3. Darin says:

    I used to engage with the lefty ignoramus idiots until I learned it does no good so now I just tell them to FOAD and all is well.
    I was talking to a guy the otherday who said he voted for Obama,I asked him has his opinion of him changed he said no and that he thought he was doing a great job,at which point I told him he was a SFI and walked off.Felt good,plus I saved a whole bunch of time.

    • MK says:

      Tell him to vote for obongo again because – duuude, he’s going to pay for your gas money, like duuude!

      You are right, no point trying to talk sense into these idiots, not an individual thought amongst the lot of them, they live to be the bitches of their leftist masters.

  4. MK says:

    “They just have to be ignored and worked around and marginalized from the debate.”

    Too bad we can’t just shoot the c**** ey. :twisted:

  5. WAKE UP says:

    Farrar has gone overground and has no credibilty. Ignore him.