Thanks to the Green/socialist coalition government of Oz for this:

‘..The President of what could be the first country in the world lost to climate change has urged Australia to prepare for a mass wave of climate refugees seeking a new place to live.
The Maldivian President, Mohamed Nasheed, said his government was considering Australia as a possible new home if the tiny archipelago disappears beneath rising seas…’
Nice of him to ask–and for Gillard and co to ask us….
The “climate refugees” thing is, of course, pure bullshit. The Maldives are in as much danger of sinking beneath the waves as Nepal. The islands are being overrun with Wahhabist extremists on one hand and a flood of heroin from Pakistan on the other. This is simply a way of exporting their problems to the West–at Western taxpayer’s expense. And you just know that the Welsh commie and the Green lunatic are completely comfortable with that. Never mind that the taxpayers of this country may have a rather different view….
Add: And since the Maldives constitution specifies that the President must be muslim, why aren’t they looking to relocate in a muslim country? It wouldn’t have anything to do with the free housing, medical care and welfare payments they’d get in Australia, would it?

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7 Responses to Thanks to the Green/socialist coalition government of Oz for this:

  1. mara says:

    “Never mind that the taxpayers of this country may have a rather different view.” Quite. Never mind. KG, once you and your unfortunate, er, ilk, have been properly educated by your educators, you and they will thank us for your reawakening. Why, you will then welcome these, our damp, surgically enhanced, devout , DIVERSE and grateful brothers and sisters from afar! Diversity enhancement officers will contact you shortly to begin your voluntary DIVERSITY in ISLAM realignment sessions. No. 335678303.

    • KG says:

      Well, they can contact me, Mara. And they’ll get some informal proboscis realignment sessions….. ;-)

  2. MK says:

    “And since the Maldives constitution specifies that the President must be muslim, why aren’t they looking to relocate in a muslim country?”

    Keeping with the long history of tolerance and love of other religions that’s in islam isn’t it.

    “It wouldn’t have anything to do with the free housing, medical care and welfare payments they’d get in Australia, would it?”

    Off course, juliar will just pay for it all from the play money she pulls out of her ample backside, so nothing to worry.

    Happy new year by the way. Hope you two have been well KG.

  3. Mark says:

    Just another usless whinging Muslim, leaving in another shithole of a country.

  4. WAKE UP says:

    “why aren’t they looking to relocate in a muslim country?”

    Why isn’t ANY Muslim looking to relocate in a Muslim country?