A very American coup?

Commenter Subotai Bahadur, (#6) under a post by Richard Fernandez over at Belmont Club:
‘..What passes for the Institutional Republican “leadership” in the House and Senate [Boehner and McConnell] taken together have a lower testosterone count than an aging capon. They have not, and will not act to oppose it or anything else Obama does. The rest of the Institutionals are more concerned with making sure that a Northeast Liberal Republican who is hated by 75% of the party is nominated so he can lose to Obama, than they are with protecting the country and Constitution…’
What if the Republican leadership wants to lose to Obama in order that the Constitutional restraints on government power are finally removed completely? They could then divide the spoils of power between them and the Democrats.
Not every coup has to involve tanks in the town square….

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6 Responses to A very American coup?

  1. Darin says:

    “What if the Republican leadership wants to lose to Obama in order that the Constitutional restraints on government power are finally removed completely? They could then divide the spoils of power between them and the Democrats.”

    A plan like that would require some intelligence though and I don’t believe they have a brain between them.I can assure you that the intelligence of the Republican leadership is only exceeded by it’s stupidity
    What we have here is good ole fashioned ineptitude,for example the recent vote on the payroll tax holiday.Even though the repub plan was for a full year and the dems only wanted two months leadership stupidity allowed them to be horse whipped in the media over it again. :roll:

    • Richard says:

      Darin, think of it not as intelligence but as rat cunning. They’re all scum. Two in the back of the head for each of them would be a waste of good lead…

      • Darin says:

        Oh definitely,but even scum can be smart on occasion.The Repub “leadership” though has been handed several times golden opportunities to deliver a real smack down on Obama and the Dems and all they have done is stand there and look stupid.

        • WebWrat says:

          Yeah. They could have ridden Bambi out of town on a rail yonks ago for any one of a great number of outrageous fox poos.

          They let the opportunities slide. Every one.

          Buggered if I get it!

  2. WAKE UP says:

    To put it mildly, Boehner has been THE major disappointment of what looked like new possibilities for a moment.

  3. been stating fro a loooooong time- there is no difference between the D and R parties-one is overt in its ‘progressivism’ (the Ds) one is covert (the Rs)–