’49 Cadillac

 “..an automobile designed to consume the maximum amount of the Earth’s resources while transporting its passengers in extreme danger.”

And I’d love to own it…just to piss greenies off.

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24 Responses to ’49 Cadillac

  1. mara says:

    Some crazed, unsound feminazi womyn with fat hairy ankles and tits gone south, may question the size of your woo woo MISTER KG, in view of your choice of vehicle. Naturally I would not da er do such a foolish, misguided thing. SIR. Nor would I so accuse any of the gentlemen who may approve the choice. :mrgreen:

  2. Katie says:

    Nice car, but this is a dream to drive (My Mom owned one):

    1955 Studebaker

  3. Darin says:

    76′ Olds 98 Regency two door,455 v-8 like driving the living room sofa down the interstate,enough AC to keep a side of beef in the back seat :grin: Dad had one,he used to set the cruise on 80 and just go with it.Nothing like it now :sad:


  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    All nice, for ladies’ cars. Here’s what the men want to drive…

    XB Falcon Coupe

  5. oswald bastable says:

    This would have them crying in their lentils:

  6. Ciaron says:

    Very good. Didn’t the boy from The Karate Kid have a yellow one?

  7. Kris K says:

    If you really want to make the Gaia worshippers choke on their muesli, and in the “they just don’t make them like that anymore” category, how about one of these:

    1910/11 Fiat S76

    All 28.3 litres of it :twisted:

  8. Moist von Lipwig says:

    “And I’d love to own it…just to piss greenies off.”

    Yes Cinders..You could go to the ball after all :smile:


    I would guess for about 50-6o K US

  9. Ciaron says:

    I can just imagine KG cruising down the road, slight bounce in the suspension, KG says “Shit mate, was that your prius…” him & Gecko pissing themselves laughing as the drive off into the sunset.

    seriously though, if the greenies have thier way, we might have to get inventive again…



  10. K2 says:

    Just imagine a high speed collision between that hunk of steel and a “Smart” car. Then tell me which driver would experience “extreme danger”.

  11. Flashman says:

    I have always wished to make a huge circular, LA to NY return trans-continental road trip across the United States in a classic Cadillac – either one such as illustrated or the incomparable 1962 Coupe De Ville.

    The expedition will be leisurely, take as long as it needs to, be supported by a comfortable but not extravagant budget, include whimsical side trips and be in the company of a like-minded and utterly compatible female companion.

    • KG says:

      Oh yes. Yes indeed. I could do that and die happy.
      Have companion as specified, just need Caddy…..