“Secret justice” is no justice at all

Britain is about to take a giant stride down that road to totalitarianism.
And here’s the money quote:
‘..Yet all three main parties have indicated they support the plans, and to date, only one MP has publicly opposed them…’
ADD: Peter Hitchens ‘gets it’

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4 Responses to “Secret justice” is no justice at all

  1. Seneca III says:

    A culture that unilaterally destroys its own value systems out of some perverted sense of moral righteousness is a culture that is going to cease to exist, and one far less altruistic will replace it. SIII.

    • KG says:

      Yes indeed. And vast numbers of uninformed fools fail to understand either the problem or the consequences.

  2. Yokel says:

    Please forgive me for quoting my own blog post, but I must get some sleep before work tomorrow/today.

    Yokel is struggling to see how these ‘commonsense proposals’ by Kenneth Clarke are different in principle from this dramatisation of the Russian Terrors (The Chekist) shortly after the second revolution.

    If you have the stomach to watch it all the way through (and it is a VERY brutal story) you will notice the widespread use of arbitrary, unchallengeable arrest for trivial pseudo offences for which the outcome is always pre-determined. Rather like the court in Alice in Wonderland, only a damn sight more serious.

  3. KG says:

    Of course you’re very welcome to quote and link to your own blog post, Yokel. :smile:
    I’ll go take a look.