
‘Costa Concordia officer says Captain Schettino was an “authoritarian” who was often “inflexible” in command.’
Captains tend to be like that. It’s what they’re paid for. Command. And when they screw up, the responsibility is theirs, not something to be spread around a committee.

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18 Responses to Huh?

  1. Darin says:

    Ya it pretty much tends to be a dictatorship doesn’t it :grin:

    Did you see the size of the boulder stuck in the hull? :shock:

  2. KG says:

    :lol: riiiight. It’d take a bit more than a “panicked man and a bucket” to deal with the inflow.

    • Darin says:

      The silly media were comparing this to the Titanic FFS :roll: Sure it’s a sad thing for the people who died,but the ship sank within easy swimming distance to shore in shallow water for Pete’s sake.

      Another media type trying to sound intelligent asked a Coastie about self-bailing.You should have seen the look on the Coastie’s face.He probably had the same thought I did”sure,if you can get the boat up on a plane” :mrgreen: :lol:

      • Robertvdl says:

        As long as you have young and trained men aboard it will not be a problem. However, there were many elderly people on board, people in the age of our parents. For them there is no ‘ easy ‘ part. They were lucky there was not the ‘be eaten’ part.

  3. Robertvdl says:

    What I don’t understand is why the hole is not in the front of the ship.

  4. Flashman says:

    Captain Courragio now claims that he tripped and accidentally fell into a lifeboat. Greek and Italian sea captains have an unfortunate history in this regard.

    • Robertvdl says:

      Are those not the same countries that have a big economic crisis, and fell into the European lifeboat?

  5. mawm says:

    I’d wait for the enquiry before taking the coastguard comment too literally. For instance at what point of the rescue was it made? Had all the visible passengers got off the ship and the captain think it was OK to be on a life boat at this point? What were those below decks doing there – had there not been an order for them to assemble on the deck, etc?

    He might have been a frightened idiot not fit for command, but I think too many assumptions are being made by the media and everybody is jumping to a conclusion.

    • KG says:

      Too right. Trial by media is becoming very popular. At the very least the guy is entitled to be heard, and some of the smears are a disgrace.

  6. mara says:

    So the captain “fell” into the lifeboat. No surprise. When one rushes towards something, one is inclined to fall into or onto it. Fair enough I’d say. :roll:

    • mawm says:

      Looking at the angle of the deck I’d say that many of the passengers ‘fell’ into the boat. :roll:

  7. George says:

    The defining incident for courageous behaviour in a shipwreck is known as “The Birkenhead Drill” It is taught in most British based sea schools.

    Now compare.

  8. KG says:

    Thanks George.
    The guy may not have behaved well, disgracefully even, but the media treatment and the slurs being bandied about before an enquiry has been held are pretty disgusting.