‘Where Has The Mainstream Media Been On Coverage Of SOPA?

Congress is set to return later this month, and one of the most hotly contested pieces of legislation it will be facing is the Stop Online Piracy Act. The bill was authored by Republican Lamar Smith, and has received bipartisan support and opposition in the House. There has been a lot of talk about internet- and technology-based companies that support the bill, including GoDaddy (up until recently) and the video game industry.
But what about the giant media conglomerates? Well, we know where they stand. OpenCongress lists all the big companies that support the bill, including the following:
•    NBC Universal
•    Comcast
•    News Corporation
•    Time Warner
•    Disney
•    CBS Corporation
Et cetera. The list goes on. But what’s particularly notable about these companies is that they own news organizations….’
Funny, that….politicians, media and corporations in bed together, trashing your freedom. Whodathunkit?

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7 Responses to ‘Where Has The Mainstream Media Been On Coverage Of SOPA?

  1. looks like the calls are working-some Senators including Rubio-have backed off-
    For FREEDOM!

  2. KG says:

    We can win this. But that’s no guarantee it won’t be introduced incrementally in future.