Pissed-off jihadist:

‘Jan Mohammad Khan, a Taliban fighter in eastern Afghanistan, says the video affected him more than all the carnage that he’s seen in his 10 years in the jihad.
“I have never hurt so much as I did when I saw this video,” he says. “These Americans have crossed the borders of civilization and humanity by disrespecting the dead.”…’                        via Tim Blair
Hell yes! Absolutely. They should model themselves on the Taliban and confine themselves to flaying prisoners alive and blinding little girls with acid. That way, they won’t have “crossed the borders of civilisation and humanity”.
Enough of this imperialist American bladder- barbarism.

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5 Responses to Pissed-off jihadist:

  1. Cadwallader says:

    I wouldn’t lose any sleep if pissing on dead muslims became an Olympic event. Hell, I would volunteer to carry the torch.

  2. Darin says:

    A real Pissing contest eh? :grin:
    Sorry,couldn’t pass that one up :mrgreen:

    This is just like water-boarding-nobody gives a dam except a few nutty journalists and talking heads.

  3. kowtow says:

    The soldiers were really stupid to do that and even stupider to film it. That’s part of the problem with this text/social media generation. Same at Abu Graib. How dumb was all that.

    I watched bits of a DW doco the other day,the 9/11 Trap. Now I have seen over the years endless footage of Abu Graib,pissing Marines, Serbs shooting Muzzies ,some rather spectaclar footage from helicopters etc and all of these things led the news for days on end.
    9/11 Trap shows the Taliban having lined up some 10-15 captured Afghan police against an embankment,shooting ’em in cold blood. Graphic and disturbing.
    Did that lead the news ,did that get on the front page? Was there any international reaction?
    Our media are not on our side and they are happy to publish western transgressions,knowing the adherents of perpetual outrage will react.These media bastards share the responsibility of any so called reaction by the so called jihadists. Scum the lot of ’em.