Romney is the road to defeat for conservatives.

‘The GOP is signing its own political death warrant by backing him.
…It appears that country club Republicans have succeeded again in duping the GOP electorate into crowning a “centrist” Republican. Never mind that “centrist” Republicans rarely win the center. They usually lose the center while sapping the spirit of the party’s conservative base.
…Even though Romney paid for this Florida win on his debit card — outspending Newt by millions — he still couldn’t nail down the rank-and-file vote. Seven out of ten self-described conservatives didn’t vote for him. This foreshadows the boredom and disgust that will keep conservatives home in the fall…’    source
And the GOP would be perfectly happy to see conservatives stay home. True conservatives are as much the enemy of the Republican leaders as they are of the Democrats. They threaten to disturb the cozy reigning duopoly in Washington.

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13 Responses to Romney is the road to defeat for conservatives.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Mark levin to Ann Coulter (in response to her column ‘Three Cheers for Romneycare’): you’ve become a Romney zombie.

    Gotta agree with the Great One.

  2. KG says:

    :mrgreen: Mr. Levin is right, as usual.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    I feel so much smarter (and, more importantly, so much better-informed) since I started listening to podcasts. Listening to his one from yesterday, and he is completely eviscerating Coulter. A couple days ago he was talking to Hannity and Michele Bachmann. What a great show.

    One another note, I see The Bolt Report is back this Sunday. Just in time for the serious number-crunching for KRudd to replace Gillard.

    • KG says:

      Redbaiter told me about Levin and I’ve since become an addict–he’s one of the very few true conservative voices out there.
      I dunno that Rudd will get the numbers to roll Gillard. The latest I saw was he has 40, max and that leaves him around a dozen short. Anyway, at best he’d be only an incremental improvement.
      I’d prefer to see him fail, and watch the Welsh Cow lose big in an election. She and Bligh can console one another on a desert island somewhere. (although in truth both of them will end up with some comfortable, highly paid sinecure)

  4. CA says:

    I voted early in FL. FL must be the place where liberty goes to die.

    If 7 out of 10 conservatives didn’t vote for Mittens how the hell did he win?

    Levin is dead on with regard to the Mittens critique. Some of his stuff gets under my skin. He can wax eloquently about Capitalism and what it really is and then go on to support socialism abroad with our warfare policies. So just what the f does he propose we do? I have heard Santorum interviews. Santorum sounds like a really nice and intelligent person but I’ve read some of his words and watched a few youtube vids with him basically crapping on liberty and founding principles. He sees the role of the individual and the state much like Bismark did.

    My exit poll : Ron Paul

    Yay another 4 years of Obama. A lame duck Marxist douche nozzle. I suspect the House and Senate will go Republican and the Commander in Thief will just write exec orders left and right.

  5. Alan says:

    There is one absolute certainty, Obama will romp home in November. He has a
    massive treasure chest to throw at re election, most of the media on his side,
    the Chicago strategists who know how to play dirty to back that up. Added to that is
    the woeful Republican presidential field, their infighting while campaigning, and
    the likelihood of the insipid Romney winning the Republican nomination.

  6. Cadwallader says:

    The only inspiring Romney in my experience is the commonly found sheep breed in NZ. Good quality wool, great eating and marriageable. :lol:
    I am surprised that Romney has made it thus far. At the last Presidential round-a-bout he was readily discounted due to his being a Mormon. What has changed?

  7. the R elites always give us the Lesser of Two Evils- and we always lose because of it-

    Wonder if it is planned?

  8. mara says:

    Mark Steyn’s comment… “The Republican candidates’ circular firing squad now seems to be using machine guns.” :sad:

  9. KG says:

    I think it is, Carol. They’re the same gang at core, simply wearing different colors.