Not to mention Zimbabwe and North Korea..
‘Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study‘
(a study by Canadian academics, no less!)
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Dontcha just love “academics”?
I love the bit about “gravitating towards right wing views for safety”.
That’s why the right introduced cradle to grave provision…………………
And rails against “health and safety” nazis…
Even if it is true, one must realise that intelligence does not equal practical wisdom.
Albert Einstein is a case in point. His political and social views were basically communist.
Good point. I’ve known a few brilliant idiots in my time.
Bumper sticker-“My kid beats up your honor roll student”
Having a think about it, I put it down to this: people who got poorer results at school (not a surefire indicator of intelligence) are exposed to things in their jobs which leave them cynical about ‘other’ people.
So a cop who got mediocre results at school will see things which change his opinion, while the marketing manager with a Masters in Communication lives in a sheltered bubble in which holding any ‘prejudiced’ opinion is damaging to her job prospects.
IE it is not higher intelligence itself that leads to people being for multi-culturalism, but the professional situation they find themselves in.
As others have said- there is INTELLIGENCE and WISDOM- and they are not the same thing.
If addiction to emotion, propaganda, feel good symbolism and infantile rejection of facts as heresy is left wing intelligence, then I’m happy to be a right wing thicko. Bring it on.
Yes indeed!
Here’s a succinct comment from those at the original article:
“Yet again, predictably, Left-wing academics are confusing education, (aka Left-wing indoctrination), with intelligence, (which Left-wingers don’t actually possess)!”
– Barking Spider, UK, 03/2/2012 21:44
Here’s a thought: If, and I highlight if, leftwingers are so intelligent why are they wrong on almost any subject based on reality and genuine facts? And as exemplified by California and Detroit cited above, why do leftwing policies ALWAYS lead to failed societies with dumbed-down products of socialised ‘education’ and the flight from those same areas by conservative, rightwing, family-centric, high value contributers to the economy?
Of course if we adjust the statement to accurately reflect where leftwingers have it over those on the conservative right it might say something like the following:
“‘Right-wingers are less … evil, corrupt, deluded, immoral, atheistic, queer, perverted, blind, dishonest … did I say EVIL … than left wingers”.
Now that’s a statement I can agree with – and I don’t need no so called ‘academic’ to tell me so; the evidence speaks for itself.
Your title says it all KG.
Leftwingers can claim superior intelligence when they can demonstrate that their ideology leads to success. When people start fleeing Texas for california, i’ll start looking seriously at leftism.
Oh and people fleeing Texas after a democrat takes over doesn’t count.
“When people start fleeing Texas for california, i’ll start looking seriously at leftism.”
Yeah, me too. I don’t think we’ll be looking any time soon, somehow…
I suspect that Auckland, New Zealand, has every chance of ending up like Detroit.