Sliding smoothly into tyranny:

At what point does legitimate law-enforcement become Big Brother snooping?
‘THE world’s most advanced speed camera – so accurate it can catch you using a mobile phone or not wearing a seatbelt from 600m away – is being assessed for Victoria…’
Either we demand limits be placed on the power of the State or we accept that any intrusion into our lives in the name of fighting crime or potential crimes is acceptable.
The tools are in place. A vast army of leftist-indoctrinated know-nothing drones, sophisticated surveillance technology, large numbers of clipboard warriors and people who have been conditioned to regard informing as somehow “moral”, a complicit media. When has a State ever had all those tools and failed to use them for the repression of its own citizens?

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5 Responses to Sliding smoothly into tyranny:

  1. Darin says:

    They’re onsale now-

    Oh and then there is this-

  2. Redbaiter says:

    The war for freedom was lost years ago when the schools and universities fell into the hands of communists. Check the video on this page, and you’ll see that until this situation is remedied, there is no hope-

    Nothing will be fixed until we hang the Education Ministers and all the poisonous treacherous scum who work within their ministry.

    • KG says:

      But it will take three or four generations for that to fix things, RB.
      And it’s not going to happen anyway, because the current crop of indoctrinated lemmings see no need for it–they’re comfortable in their serfdom.

  3. MK says:

    i don’t know why they don’t just publicly admit that they hate cars and hate people who drive cars.

    I doubt very much that anyone will complain, all that has to happen is for some whiner to preach to everyone that – they’re there to stop people dying you heartless bastards! – and all the sheep will fall into line.

    On the odd occasion when i’ve been lucky to be out of Australian roads, i’ve driven at twice the stupid speed limit in victoria and apparently i was supposed to instantly vaporize into a ball of flames [speed kills, period], yet i’m still here, proving the stupidity of these restrictions.

    On the autobahns in Germany there is no speed limit, yet for some magical reason that eludes a lot of these thick-headed fascists, all the people are not all dead and are quite capable of handling it. Mind you most people don’t drive over 180 or 160.

    I don’t know why but for some reason in Australia people have this belief that as soon as you raise the limit to say 130 or 140 km/h, every single driver out there is going to only drive at this speed and will all kill themselves instantly.

    Not everyone wants to drive at that speed and not every one will but that isn’t enough for them, everyone has to be ground down and beaten into line.

    The other thing is that because it takes so bloody long to get anywhere, some of us just don’t bother driving to a holiday destination in Australia and so the country loses out because it costs more to fly and then hire a rental car.

    • KG says:

      Spot-on. We find that most people who live in the country know where they can get away with driving over the limit and most people do. Commonsense applies. But in the more policed areas, driving is a pain in the neck, not least because of the effing lemmings who insist on driving at a few k’s below the already absurdly low limit.
      I don’t need Nanny to tell me what speed is safe and when it’s safe to overtake, thanks, and I bloody resent the lowest-common-denominator of driving skill and commonsense being allowed to set the conditions for the rest of us.
      Screw ’em–I’ll break the law whenever I can get away with it.