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You will find this will help the financial district get out of reccession, As it will mean more cultural richness and by harnessing the power of diversity create solutions to the GFC…
How much more of this do we have to take in the west before people wake up.
Why do Fundi Muslims want to live in the west so bad??
Thanks for the link back KG.
I’m thinking it’s the great welfare benefits, special privileges under the law and the number of willing leftards queuing to become their lap dogs octagongrappler.
Get rid of all welfare benefits, force them to earn at least 31,000 a year and ignore every attempt on their part to instill Shar’ia on the land. They will run faster than a cockroach does when the light is turned on.
For that display a few bb guns aimed at the upturned asses…..fire hoses too.
This is the bridge head.Just a matter of time before the war is lost. Slowly,incrementally but definitely lost.
From the article: “City workers in pinstripe suits mixed with Muslims from the local Bangladeshi community, cramming into the streets beside a Bentley and other parked cars.”
Pin-stripe suits? A Bentley? What the F… does that mean?
It means a veiled threat from a sympathetic dhimmi writer, that’s what it means.
By the way, notice there are no women there?
I find it amusing how the most miitant white man hating feminazis in western nations pander to muslim men like this.. The complete Antithesis of what liberal feminism is ment to stand for.
But then again their real enemy is white conservative males so no wonder liberals support muslims like this.
Where’s an infidel helicopter gunship when you need one?