‘A COUNCIL will consider banning Nazi flags after a Melbourne man flew swastika and SS flags outside his home.’
Perhaps they’ll also consider banning the display of this or this at public demos and other leftist events?
Fat chance…that’s “free speech”.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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When The NZ Flag is changed to a more “inclusive” one, I bet that anyone flying the old kiwi flag will be labeled racist and bigoted. And it will be banned!! I can just see it..
The flag’s not gonna be changed, Octagon – it’s basically the hobby of a few Wellington arty-farties and time-serving bureaucrats who think they own our culture, and every time the topic comes up, it gets blown out out of the water when real people are polled.
On Monday NZ will be flying a deplorable flag of its own:
“Rotorua… cannot decide” – Whaat? You mean to say they were a group of perpetually warring tribes? Not a cohesive, structured, nation-state?
Well I never- Might ask for a refund
see that marxist greenie foreign bitch and mayor of wellinton celia wade-brown is flying the maori flag in wellington tommorow
For the record, and as a Wellingtonian, I sure as hell didn’t vote for her.
Just another traitorous Marxist watermelon import. These are the sort of white imports we DON’T want coming here!
How do these Marxist-green traitors get into power?! – Len Brown, Auckland’s mayor, being another case in point.
Yes Kris and im actually surprised that wellington made this call to vote her in.
At least Len “public transport” brown is a beast crafted in Auckland haha and not a blow in.
What I take issue with is all the foreign imports who jump que to get public office. Tim Barnett being a classic example of that. Labour changed the law regarding dual nationality in parliment because harry dunhoven applied to dutch citizenship so his kids could get EU passports and work in Britain.
Kanijwat singh Bakshi immigrated to NZ in 2003 and is in Parliment in 2008 so its just so appaling at how real kiwis are not part of the proccess.
“What I take issue with …”, You and I both, Spidy.
If we continue to permit 3rd world Islamist, and non-assimilating Asian, and Western Marxist/Green/Sodomite immigrants [and don’t forget ‘refugees’] to flood across our borders then there won’t be any “real Kiwis” to worry about in a few short years.
Tim Barnett did his dirty work and left town. Appalling.
And we’ve still got a Muslim MP who believes women should be stoned to death for adultery in certain countries.
The lefty ruling class will have it’s own way, no matter what the majority of Kiwis think. You see, Kiwis need “educating” about their own national day–which of course isn’t theirs any more.
The nazis were some really evil spawn of whores and they caused so much suffering and death.
However this asshole was flying his stupid flag on his own property, so i don’t think the council should be passing laws forcing people to take down the flag.
As i said at Andrew Bolts blog as well, there are some advantages to allowing this asshole to fly his nazi flag.
This makes it so much easier to tell who the neighborhood asshole is doesn’t it.
Say you’re lost in that street and want to ask for directions, wouldn’t you want to know which asshole to avoid?
Wouldn’t dog owners like to know whose lawn their dogs can freely shit on and are even encouraged to.
Say there’s a wild bushfire bearing down, wouldn’t you like to know who can wait until all the women, children, elderly, dogs, cats and everything else are rescued?
If Mossad is out of work hunting Jew-hating scum [like that’s ever going to happen] and need to train some new agents, wouldn’t they want to know where to find the aforementioned scum.
Well, MK, I suppose you could always apply at the local mosque – should be one nearby, these days.
Clearly MK only likes approved people.