James Delingpole:
‘…One of the grimmest ironies of the modern environmental movement is just how much damage it has done to the planet in the name of ‘saving’ it. Green biofuels (crops such as palm oil grown for fuel) have not only led to the destruction of millions of acres of rainforest in Asia, Africa and South America, but are now known to produce four times more CO2 pollution than fossil fuels.
…The real deniers are those ideological greens who refuse to look at hard evidence (not just pie-in-the-sky computer models which are no more accurate than the suspect data fed into them) and won’t accept that their well-intentioned schemes to make our world a better place are in fact making it uglier, poorer and less free.’
(James Delingpole’s Watermelons: How Environmentalists Are Killing The Planet, Destroying The Economy And Stealing Your Children’s Future is published by Biteback)
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Yep the bio fuel one destroying the rainforests is brilliant………shows there is no commonsense in all this envirobullshit.
Follow the money……
Of course the cynic in me (or is that the realist?) thinks the whole green movement and the related drive to reduce so called ‘man-made global warming’ through reducing CO2 by implementing bio-fuel and related scams has ABSOLUTERLY NOTHING to do with “saving the planet”, and EVERYTHING to do with transferring First-world wealth to the U.N. Marxist One-Worlders to finance their Global Government Marxist wet-dream.
These people are evil, lying, manipulative charlatans of the first order who are prepared to sacrifice literally everything in order to bring about their ultimate goal and agenda. If they wiped out most of the planet’s life and turned much of its surface into a barren desert most of them wouldn’t even shed a tear.
These people are the enemy … and need to be treated as such.
“..and EVERYTHING to do with transferring First-world wealth to the U.N. Marxist One-Worlders”
Yep. And I see now the wheels are falling off the AGW scam, the U.N. has come right out with a proposal for a worldwide tax to “aid poor nations”.
Yep, same horse just a different rider.
Dr Patrick Moore even said on fox news that global warming is a natural Proccess and that some warming is actually good for the planet. He said it would be a major concearn if it cools down and there is evidence that it is cooling.