‘…..Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has caused a storm of controversy by saying in a television interview that the people of Egypt should not look to the United States Constitution when drafting their own governing document because it’s too old and there are newer examples from which to draw inspiration. “I would not look to the U.S. Constitution if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012,” Ginsburg said in the interview, which aired on Jan. 30 on Al-Hayat TV. Her comments have stunned writers across the conservative blogosphere…
….“I might look at the constitution of South Africa,” Ginsburg said. “That was a deliberate attempt to have a fundamental instrument of government that embraced basic human rights, had an independent judiciary.”…’
This..person, appointed by Clinton, has demonstrated her lack of regard – if not contempt for –  the Constitution she is sworn to uphold.

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7 Responses to UNFIT FOR OFFICE

  1. dondiego says:

    What a marvelous job the blacks have done with South Africa.

    More third-worlders with their hands out coming right up. Don’t let this bitch anywhere near N.Z when the un-elected maoris start banging on about a constitution again.

    What am I saying? This constitutional expert has probably already picked the colour of the lampshades in her Auk apartment that is part-payment for sealing the fate of my doomed country!

    Its late, or early. End rant
    (waking nightmares about what Key will do next to make the maoris love him again)

    • KG says:

      I know exactly how you feel, DonD–right now I’m having a beer and shaking my head over the lunacy of the Western white man.

  2. GW says:

    She is a lefties lefty. Her idea of heaven is a nice dacha on the Black Sea funded by one of the local soviet commisars and surrounded by abortion clinics.

  3. Darin says:

    If we are lucky,no blessed in the next election and we have a Republican majority and WH again hopefully this old bat will kick off and open a door for a conservative judge to take her place.

  4. rivoniaboy says:

    South Africans had such high regard for their “wonderful” constitution – that they fled in their millions.
    Ruth Ginsberg should move to South Africa at her earliest convenience.

  5. Kris K says:

    What is it about these liberal left-wing Jews?! They really don’t get it, do they? [And most Jews in the States are liberal] Especially when most [non-Jewish] left-wing liberals are anti both Israel and the Jews.

    While in contrast most biblical Christians are conservative and right-wing [and fully support Israel and the Jewish people].

    Many [liberal] Jews seem to not only be spiritually blind, but blind to exactly who their real enemies are. And on that basis will be the authors of their own destruction.

  6. WAKE UP says:

    “What is it about these liberal left-wing Jews?! They really don’t get it, do they? ”

    And NONE of them (or similar others) ever go to live under the “constitutions” they laud so highly.