Has the West gone nuts?

Headline in the Brit Daily Mail:
‘Joy quickly turned to heartache for Hayley Fisk, from Howdon, North Tyneside, when soldiers arrived at the door to tell her her beloved Kyle had been killed after stepping on an explosive in Helmand Province…’
And right below that:
‘The radical Muslim cleric (pictured) will apply to be released on bail as he fights deportation to Jordan and could today walk free from prison to a life on benefits with his wife and five children..
The answer to that question is “no”. Obviously, the vast majority of people are outraged by this kind of thing. But the vast majority of people no longer own their country.

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5 Responses to Has the West gone nuts?

  1. Andrei says:

    Has the west gone nuts?


    Nigel and Simon will have their sodomite union blessed by an Anglican Vicaress and happily begin their “married” life in a household of two plus Bichon Frise while Abu Qatada will continue to sire children on the State for as long as he is physically able.

  2. WAKE UP says:

    “Has the West gone nuts?”


  3. kowtow says:


    And from the same paper a para on charges for punching a Taleban.

    Why would any one want to serve when they will only get served up.

    Madness and treachery.

  4. Col. Bunny says:

    >>no longer own their country.<<


    A couple of good articles along the same lines here and here.

    Don ‘t say I never do anything for you. Or, at least, stop saying that.


    • KG says:

      Thanks for the links, Colonel. I’ll brew another coffee and go take a look.
      (I stopped saying that after the brown envelopes began arriving. Many thanks.)