Jack Vettriano’s ‘The Birth Of A Dream’

‘..Despite his enormous success, the self-taught painter has been ignored by the establishment which has refused to display his works…’
Why am I not surprised? Vettriano is a self-taught ex-miner. Good heavens, that won’t do at all! The lefty wankers who infest the art world may pay lip-service to the “dignity of the working man”, but he’d better remember his place….
(click the pic for a bigger version)

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16 Responses to Jack Vettriano’s ‘The Birth Of A Dream’

  1. oswald bastable says:

    I have heard the same with writers (typically the ones who have only been published thanks to a taxpayer-rorted arts grant).

    On finding out you have never been near a university, it’s the cold shoulder…

    • KG says:

      Yep. Yet your stuff leaves half the suckling leech wannabes’ work for dead!
      Maybe you ought to get one of those degrees from a moori “education” institute, Os….should take all of a week and a few thou. :lol:

  2. Cadwallader says:

    Despite the apparent cold shoulder Jack has received, I’ll wager his bank account looks better than those of the self-described “art establishment.” Good luck to him!

  3. Darin says:

    Nice work,reminds me of Norman Rockwell’s work,good,wholesome art.

  4. KG says:

    “..good,wholesome art”
    Which only goes to show what an utter peasant you are, Darin. With no understanding of the historical deconstructionist responsibilities of the artist, the need to challenge the dominant gender bias inherent in representations of the subconscious adherence to outdated patriarchal power structures.

    • Cadwallader says:

      You art critic you!
      I feel that the painting needs to speak to each of us of the suffering of the artist as he drew from his self-conscious his consummate deprivation as a child and his wish to implant that paradigm into the consciousness of each and everyone of us while delivering a message that is intensely personal to his own world perspective. ( I more or less copied the above shit from an art review. It is utterly pompous shit without let-up.)

    • Darin says:

      No gay sex acts,no Crucifixes in urine and displaying actual God given talent =no NEA grants.