Unadulterated horsecrap.

Britain (the epicentre of this madness):
‘Get more women into the boardroom to save our economy, says Cameron
David Cameron will today look at controversial plans for so-called ‘golden skirt quotas’, which would force business leaders to ensure that women are fairly represented in the boardroom…’

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21 Responses to Unadulterated horsecrap.

  1. Moneo says:

    Lol. ‘Conservative Party’.

  2. KG says:

    “lol” is right. What a disgusting lot they are!

  3. Kris K says:

    EXACTLY … what not to do.

    Another example of that superior liberal left [yes Cameron] intellect no doubt …

  4. Just Another Richard says:

    Have a heart KG, after all, the poor BOY has to shore up his ever diminishing voter base. In the Westminster bubble there are only ever positive benefits for such ass kissing initiatives, never any negative consequences…negativity is a hate crime in the postmodernist/academic world and must be shunned at all costs, and besides, that would be thinking too far ahead, the strain of which causes intense pain in the mind of the superior intellect.

    The bloody fools have taken their dumbing down of the population to heart…how poetic, whoever said karma was a bitch sure knew what they were talking about. Shame about the rest of us though :???:

    • KG says:

      G’day JAR! Good to see you. :smile:
      Cameron really is a sad joke and the frightening thing is, he’s just one of many. He just happens to be wearing the Chief Fool cap at the moment.
      It seems to me that political conservatism in Britain is dead. Extinct. An ex-ideology. Gone. The Norwegian Parrot of politics.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    Hmmm. I think it was the Liberal Party’s Shadow Treasurer, Big Joe ‘Bank Buster’ Hickey who proposed mandatory reporting of the numbe of skirts on the board of all ASX listed companies not so long ago. Seems to me, theyre all just Utopian Statists at heart. Just some of them are more honest about it.

    • KG says:

      “Seems to me, theyre all just Utopian Statists at heart”
      Exactly. Only the labels differ.

    • octagongrappler says:

      Yet women are the overwelming majority on uni campuses funded by the state, So why are they not correcting that?

  6. Just Another Richard says:

    Yes KG. AS the chief Norwegian Parrot, his mind definitely is lost somewhere up there with the choir invisible; there again, if there is any justice for this earthly existence, it is more likely headed on the road to perdition. :twisted:

  7. Mark.V. says:

    I suspect a lot of women would rather rule the world from the bedroom than the boardroom.

  8. octagongrappler says:

    Oh ok well then I dont hear them complaining about 75% of medical grads and lawyers are women. Not to mention 63% of university graduates are women and is tipped to reach 70% by 2024.

    But hey there are too many men in the boardroom of private companies unlike the state funded universities.

  9. That creature in Number 10 is NOT a Conservative.
    There is much displeasure at his liberalness from within party ranks.
    I am sure Camoron will be getting ridiculked over his comments right now.
    What an utter buffoon.
    Women have a place in the boardroom but only when they get it on merit.

  10. kowtow says:

    Marine Le Pen is the woman I want to see in charge of a board room in Paris.

  11. KG says:

    I’ve given up thinking any particular politician can make anything other than cosmetic changes. The juggernaut of statism rolls on, regardless.

  12. mara says:

    A long time family friend of ours is an aeronautical engineering professor at MIT. I asked her once if her gender ever interferred with her stellar rise in academia. While cuddling her baby she replied calmly “in my game, what is between the ears is considered more important than what is between the legs,”. And that was that.

    • KG says:

      Ah yes, Mara, but in the “hard” disciplines that’s because ability counts above all and it’s impossible to fake it. :lol:
      Good for her!