‪Bruce Springsteen – Racing in the Street‬

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10 Responses to ‪Bruce Springsteen – Racing in the Street‬

  1. mawm says:

    Heh, I’m surprised that you are listening to Springsteen! He’s up there with Streisand in thinking that just because he has lots of money we should all be supporting his socialist ideas. I’ll leave him to entertain O’bummer in the WH. :evil:

    • KG says:

      Well, His music’s good and here have been plenty of fine artists with very dodgy political leanings, Mawm.
      Besides, I borrowed the clip so it isn’t contributing one cent to his earnings. ;-)

      • mawm says:

        Sigh………I’ll soon be left with no music to listen to or movies to watch. Principles are a hard thing…………maybe I can find some others. :roll:

        • KG says:

          Groucho Marx, was it? :lol:

          • mawm says:

            Helen ……..uh no, she just changed hers all the time. Jonkey must run a close second as he folds yet again to another Moari Party threat of leaving his cosy coterie.

  2. mara says:

    Funny really. Springsteen’s democratic, liberterian politics (and lyrics) suck if you really pay them attention; but in the gutsy, appealing ,”working man”, hard, virile and ballsy productions he grunts out, who gives a shit? Suspend politics for the duration of the track? I do. Usually. :roll:
    ps. No impertinent replies please. I am a sensible woman of a “certain age” and wouldn’t know what you were talking about anyway.

  3. KG says:

    I saved a copy of that pic and now it’s the desktop background. Partly nostalgia (being of a “certain age” myself) and partly because it speaks volumes about the culture of the time.