Australia’s ABC..taxpayer-funded lefty liars.

‘The ABC blames Tony Abbott for the Australia Day affray:
What is true is that Mr Abbott’s comments sparked the demonstration perhaps because they had been misrepresented or exaggerated. In that sense it is accurate to say that they “were enraged by remarks Mr Abbott had made”. .’                            via Tim Blair
Logic: Fail.
Honesty: Fail.
Could any of these people get a job out in the real world?

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4 Responses to Australia’s ABC..taxpayer-funded lefty liars.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Could they? Of course not. First, it’s the real world, where their leftist memes are exposed as fantasies. The real world terrifies these ‘people’. It’s why they go to work for ALP (broadcasting and propaganda) Inc.

    Remember, it’s YOUR ABC. :lol:

  2. KG says:

    “ALP (broadcasting and propaganda) Inc”
    Nice one! :lol: